

Dream come true...
We had gone to visit my husband's friends. It was a lovely trip full of memories and " remember when" moments, as they had met after 12 full years, a mini re- union of the three college buddies with their families.

Now when you have a fully relaxed and peaceful mind, it ventures into the dangerous emotional zone. On our way back we were crossing a railway station where I had worked and my dad had spent the last few months of his life battling brain tumour staying with me. And so my relaxed soul went into the crying mode, missing and yearning to talk to my father. My husband saw me, wiped my tears and told me to be strong.

I told him I want to talk to dad... so he said, " close your eyes, ask him to come in your dream. Just like you can't see God, but He is all around, similarly your papa is now your guardian angel and very near you".

I dried my eyes and I prayed the same.
So today early morning, 3-4am, I saw my papa in his Shirt and Trousers in a ground at our native place,Kangra. I called out to him," Papa...", he turned around, so peaceful was his aura, such gentleness and calmness around him. He looked at me lovingly and I asked, " Am I living well.. am I performing my duties with dignity and integrity? Are you proud of me Papa?"

He hugged me and said " Yes, you are doing great darling. Keep it all up. I am proud of you. I will be with you always."

And then I woke up, teary eyed. My sleepyhead darling husband, who had shown me the path to meet my papa, was lost in his own dreams meanwhile. So I went back to sleep.

Now I do miss my papa, but am at peace. It's a huge irretrievable loss when we our parents pass to the heavens.

© cmcb