

why me
why me why can't I be happy why do I have to be pushed away I'm sitting here shaking and my depression is going through the roof and the thoughts in my head you wouldnt understand if i told you. I cannot excape this war going though inside my head the pain suffering and cutting is all coming to my mind the darkness is slowly taking over my body. why u gotta lie to me. noone can't relate to me on what I'm going though. dont want to lie anymore im secretly drinking and poping pills every night im laying in bed wishing that i could help you help you with the pain your going through but how can u help someone thats just like you the thoughts of suicide running though my head Im praying to god I make it through tonight because I don't know what to do anymore I thought I could help and I thought I could take your pain away but I can't even help myself all I'm doing is making it worse. I'm scared of breaking up with you I want what we have last forever. all I was trying to do is bring the light back inside of you it worked for a week then when you found out I was doing drugs you changed that light I brought to you became all dark inside I can see the pain and suffering you have for me and I wanna know what your running from I wanna know what your scared of I wanna hear about what you think at night when all those thoughts come to u at once we are broken but we can make this work but if we can't then it wasn't ment to be I gave you my heart but it wasn't enough I had faith in us I know I'm broken, I know I have problems but you can't just runaway from love just because someone broke you in a thousand pieces guess what I'm slowly picking up those pieces and putting them together you might not know it but I'm slowly making you a better man i dont care your pushing me away I'm here in your shadow picking up what you left behind. don't worry about me I don't ask anything in return I'm just a girl screaming in pain and nobody can hear me but the almighty god don't try making me a better person because honestly I don't want to be fixed god made me go through things in life and Im accepting that I might be broken forever forgive me if I'm wrong but I know I'm not strong enough to go through all of it. I don't show what I'm going through so you will look at me and say I'm a normal person but inside I'm screaming to let me out of this darkness I'm screaming fir someone to help me get through this dont make me go through this alone anymore.
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