

The blood of Raven
I remember the time when their is no beginning, middle, nor endless of dead bodys that were eaten alive and dead by what ever was killing human being every single day in a town called motility before I start this part of the story let me reverse it all the way to the beginning of the story. Nika (female who is a friend.) and Chinma (A male friend.) moved into motility town in a nice mansion near by the lake were you are able to see the shallow floor and fishes swimming by before the day ended. Chinma said " What a gouges mansion just need to unpack our stuff and then hire some stuffs." Nika agreed. After they got unpacked they started to cruise around in town and asked the people at motility but most people said "good luck surviving the mansion." it's like if they knew something about the mansion's deep dark secrets. After a day in motility they decided to rest for little bit out of no where there was a wired noise coming from outside not those wired sound that are normal it's like creepily scratching like claws a biggest cat. After the claws of scratching stopped they check out the years front and back, nothing was there but a biggest black feather they ever saw then the venture out to the woods before they entered their on a cutten down tree trunk was a sign that said " beware of black." so they entered the woods alls the see in it was red blood and body parts just laying down where they fell and a few part were hanging on a branch like an human eye ball, human heads, and some human hands dangling down from a near by branch. Nika and Chima sensed that it's time to go back to the mansion so they did. When they got back they saw a written note that was written in hot red ink and said " leave this place. Now!" but the note didn't say who was it written down by nor and address. That night while Nika and Chama were a sleep Nika hear pounding and scratching sound like something is trying to get in. Nika did not wake Chama at all because Nika knew Chama is a heavy sleeper. Nika went to go to investigate as the sound gotten louder and louder Nika got a shot gun out to be safe then she opened the first door in the house she saw a hear of Ravens eating human part and one of them saw her and she closed the door as fast as she could. Chima woke up and asked Nika "What are you doing with a shot gun at 2:00 a.m?" Nika answer " Um, I....I....I heard something and saw it in the front of our yard and was eating human parts." Chima looked at her and then peaked out of the front window and saw nothing but red blood on the grass then said " it's probably just a pack of wolf hunting their pray." Nika disagree and told Chima " no they had black feathers and had wings but bigger than anything in the world and hunted in flocks." Chima just said " you just had an nightmare come let's go back to bed." Nika started at Chima and followed him up to bed. The next day as Nika and Chima had there beautiful breakfast and watching their favorite movie on the T.V after their fun breakfast they started to arrange their stuff and asking what should go where and the sheif of the town came and knocked on the door and all's he said as he checked up on them " Good morning." then left Chima and Nika both were feeling something is up with the mansion. Night came Chima and Nika both were watching a horro movie when suddenly Nika heard the pounding and scratching sound again but this time Chima heard it to so both Chima and Nika both got shot guns out and open the door and started to shoot around to scare the killer Ravens off but the Ravens attacted them and all the shots were going off and Nika said "Now you see." As they shot and shot help arrived and joined in the shooting. More and more the killer Ravens were dropping from the skys until their was the biggest black raven that they ever seen it was a size of a man and more shots went off but the bullets were just like stingers of a bee and one of them remembered the booms and through the whole thing into the Ravens mouth when it landed in the stomach it blew up the killer Raven into bits of pieces. Nika and Chima thanked the team for the help and the team drove off and they never saw the team again.
© Wolfman Jackel