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They said, "How can anyone not fall in love with a girl like you?"

I smiled, took a deep breath, and replied, I never loved him for being loved by him in return. I just fell in love with him..In fact I found myself drawn to him - his tales, quirks, playful banter, and the laughter we shared. Even in his moments of vulnerability, every word he uttered captivated me further. Although he spoke of another he loved, each time, I secretly longed to be that person. His narratives stirred emotions within me, often bringing tears to my eyes, yet I couldn't muster the courage to distance myself from him.

Sometimes, we're not the one they dream of, so how can they love someone they never wished for? It doesn't mean they're wrong, but in this world, you know, if someone wants, if someone hopes, they can be heroes, they can be the best physicist, yet still not end up with the one they adore. And you know what's magical about it all?

'What?' they asked

They are completely okay with that.
I can love him completely, across various timelines, even if he never reciprocates.
I, alone, am sufficient to love him in every universe||
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