

Two faced twins
it all began in Austin,2007, Israel Smith a twenty two year old Nigerian who found love with an American woman,Monica Johnson a very beautiful and brave girl who is a year younger than is real.
but Israel and Monica's love is forbidden. how will they manage
Monica, Monica I can't take this anymore "Israel said
I know but we have to have patience" Monica said
(Shout's) you expect me to be patience its been two years and our love is still forbidden "Israel said.
(Israel starts to pace around and then shouts).
we have to elope Israel says.

what!!? are you out of you're mind " Monica says .
we have no other choice "Israel says.
there is always a choice" Monica says.

just think about it we've been in love since college, and our parents won't let us get married, we can't even be friends, we have to hide in the shadows to see each other"Israel says .

you do have a point, but where do we go too"Monica asks.

I know a place trust me "Israel says.
(he picks up his phone and makes a phone call)
I've got a place let's go " Israel says.
(in shock)now!!Monica says.

yes !! Israel says
what about packing??" Monica asks.

(they both elope to Dallas)

(Israel and Monica arrive at Dallas and settle down in an apartment)
nice job Israel "Monica says.
thanks" Israel says with a mischievous look in his eyes.
don't give me that look"Monica says.
okay fine "Israel says.
( then he jumps on her)
what do you think you're doing" Monica says.
(then he kisses her,then they lose themselves in each other, and the the night becomes blurry)
(Monica wakes up and doesn't see Israel)
were could israel be "Monica ask.
(then her phone rings and its her strick and wicked father Mr.Johnson

were are you!!!(he shouts )" Mr Johnson asks
(just then Israel comes to the room with breakfast)
hey lovely.Israel says.

so,I see you're With that rascal "Mr Johnson.
(Israel expressions changes)

(shouts)I will find you and I will kill you Israel!! Mr Johnson says.
(Monica's father hangs up the phone)

what do we do know"Monica asks.

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