

A man walking down the mountains heard a cry from a small pit..His name was Ramey .The cry was loud enough to melt the heart of the man. His behavior was always self centered,lazy.
Ramey never helped anyone and would never indulge himself in working for the betterment of people.
As he was walking he heard the cry, it's was crystal clear that the voice was of a small baby.
Ramey said to himself, "what should I do it has nothing to do with me let's just go and have a look in the pit.. "
He walks towards the pit and he was shocked to see there was nothing to be seen no baby and the pit was empty, he himself jumped in the pit he thought the baby must have drowned inside the mud, because it was raining season and the mud was soft and loose.
Where the baby disappeared, I heard the noise of baby crying.
He was disappointed because he could not save the baby even he had dug the pit from all corners. I feel something strange..
I should have saved the baby when first I heard thecry he would be saved.
With deep and sad heart he returned to his home
He could not believe that he was unable to save the child.
He always pass from the mountains and he would hear the cry but go to see he could find anyone, he would be irritated and angry to but deep down in his heart the spark was burning that he should help the needy and helpless.
He starts to slowly become active and starts helping his wife at home, he would try to approach anyone in need but some people doubted Ramey intention because he was never a helpful person.
But due to Ramey changed behavior and good intention he became good human being.
People started trusting him and as he would walk back to his home from the mountains he would now hear the smiling and laughing voices.
Ramey had repented on his behavior he changed himself to a new human being. Ramey got respect and love from his wife and from his village people he is now living happily and proudly helping and supporting other.

A lesson to be learnt...
The cry was the changing moment in Ramey life he tried to ignore the cry but deep down he regretted for not helping in time. he became conscious that a caring and very nice person is hidden deep down in his soul. which had died due to his laziness and bad behavior.
When he starts to change his actions and helps the needy and poor good starts to happen in his life, he is respected and loved and the inner voice was now rejoicing and laughing happily. At last only kindness matters.