

A letter to one's self
Everyday I wake up to cherish my dreams, to cherish pleasure. Revealing all my flaws to the rest I begin my day with a smile. After a long pause I may just assume that I was self obsessed but it changed during the rainy days. With a little parchment about my past scribbled in I may just minute every second. Thoughts analysed for over thousand times I may just fall into the river of question-marks. Later I get scolded for the same but I don't care. At times my "self" wanted to portray the epitome of fame but times also made me to fall for immature mistakes. Some days I would just wave out my hair and dance out my freaking emotions keeping the ears closed from the musers. Because I just hate being criticised for what Iam. I did boast for whatever I was gifted with but the other days when fate didn't happen the way I want it to be I cursed my "self." But that's okay again it's just me. Dressed short or dressed long, beaued up or a less classy, glossy skin or a little rough people criticised. But who cares them.
Nevertheless I was happy as I characterised my "self" the way it was. I never manipulated my ambitions or imitated one. When all others including my clan, my community wanted to obey the "rules," I obeyed my "self." I always did satisfy my inner ambition to be unique; to be different. May be I love the way Iam or maybe I just like the way I look, or the way I dress, or the way I sense or the way I appear to be. Its all me or all the self.
When all the chains and borders within the inner self gets broken you start to see a different self of you. Just love your"self."

Disclaimer :

This short is trying to celebrate the lives of all those, who don't get bothered about the strata and rules and only picture their self.


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