

Fading memory of love
It's been two years since we broke up I remember each and every moment of our relationship. I remember the words which we exchanged on our last call, That day i was coming back from the mall after meeting Anaya , and that was the day I come to know the truth of your so call job.
At mall
I was distracted alittle
Anaya "Hey shivi are you listening I'm going ahemdabad with arun next month"
"ohh nice"
Anaya " what about your job..? by the way why did you left your previous job"
" mmm actually chirag had quit his job so he was planning to come back so we decided to give sometime to think about a better job, as you know my previous job was so tiering"
Anaya " true..by the way why are you looking so low today"
"Anaya Chirag is leaving for indore tomorrow as he received a job letter from xx company but I feeling like lost I mean.."
Anaya "what**"
" mm we decided to go together but it seems like it was only my wishful thinking"
Anaya"but you left your job just because of him"
"let it be.. but I feel insecure he's going back to indore and there is poorva you know and also she's working in the same company"
Anaya"what.. shivi I think know I should tell you something"
"go ahead"
Anaya" shivi in indore when we all where staying together poorva came to chirag and that they you went to meet your sister he told me to not to tell you"
"what know I understand"
Anaya "shivi may be we are thinking too much"
After an hour I lift on the way to home I called chirag
ring ring ring
chirag "hello"
chirag "why sounds so low"
"I wanted to ask you something"
chirag" what's the matter"
"amm did you meet poorav alone after our argument"
chirag"actually I don't know how she come to know our address "
"ohh...... "
after a long silence
"chirag let give each other sometime till then.. let keep a distance"
chirag"don't you believe me"
"i wanted to but you broken my trust after our argument you meat her not only that she also came to our apartment"
chirag"I did not mean to hide that"
I cut the call as reached my home I come the door and saw my mom I went to her and hugged her she asked me "what happened"
"mom I broke up with chirag"
I told her everything and cried for all night but there was not a single call or a message from chirag side. I waited to a week but still.
But because of this I was so heart broken because I give all my love to him I cared for him but he choose to leave with no return.
I remember all the insults which were done by his friend that he can't achieve his height in his career because of you you are not good for him.
I ignored the fact that he had a girlfriend when confessed to me he was still with her but I choose to be his side because I loved him.
But now I realised that I'm the one who is not worthy of any ones love and care.
I still miss you I wish you could return one day.. may be it's my wishful thinking but wanna keep thinking.

© devil_shiva_singh