

Condolences; Read the poster in bold but visually cruel manner, beneath these words, her image stood resolute inviting me to glimpse into the final moments captured, where her eyes echoed untold stories of life yet to be lived, but her pale lips whispered of life's waning flame. From the tender years of youth, she weathered life's storms with a courageous smile, from bearing the weight of her father's demise, to the loss of her husband, and then cruel diagnosis of terminal cancer in her 30s. Even after so many cruel encounters, her smile remained, a facade concealing the turmoil within. And It prompts within me a contemplation, a pondering of justice, or perhaps the perceived absence of it, in a world where more trears were delivered than happiness. The Gods hand, it seems, withheld the kindness she so fervently deserved, leaving a mark of interrogation and visible clouds of doubt on justice and fairness in the devine order.

(For my sister who left for heavenly abode this morning)

© Shafat_Ibne_Ali