

A writers cosplay short story

CELLULOID has taken on his share of street thugs and supervillains, sometimes teaming up with the police to face down foes and rescue the people of New York. While CELLULOID undoubtedly shows allegiance to his community, it also casts him as a big fan of police and their tactics that sometimes conflict with that civic mindset. From cheesy detective impressions to prisoner beatdowns, CELLULOID’s uncomplicated approach to crime clashes with the reality of day to day life.

And so I go around activating security towers, but used by the Tulsa Police, that make it easier for CELLULOID to track crimes as they happen. Narratively, these towers allow the police to better surveil citizens; they also give CELLULOID access to police frequencies. They’re always listening, giving out calls to car chases and telling the player about break-in attempts that CELLULOID can thwart before the crime occurs. The uncritical use of these towers struck some players, especially those who live in Tulsa, as odd. While you should find CELLULOID as good-hearted and heroic as ever, he has also way more accepting of state power than anyone can expect from a hero with a history of being wrongly maligned by the press and police.