

A human is not a “being” . A human is always “becoming”.
A human is not a “being” . A human is always “becoming”.

This physical body, mental plane, does not want to “be” the same everyday every minute. It changes every moment. You may feel pretty today but tomorrow you are crying to yourself because you feel ugly. You were very confident yesterday but today you don’t want to face the world. What the mind identifies as “self” isn’t an established state nor will it be. Not today, not tomorrow, not in 5 years nor in 50.

But as humans, we chase this wild idea of being perfect one day. As if one day we will be completely perfect and life will continue to be perfect after that. Every day we do crazy things to ourselves in the name of being perfect one day. But if we look close, there is no “being”. It is only “becoming'' and you will become someone you are not every day, every second, every hour, and every year until you die.

If your idea of being perfect is buying the latest vehicle one day, the next day a new model arrives. If your idea is to go to the gym to have that dream body, you cannot expect to stop working out when you get that body you wanted. Two weeks into it the body will start to change again. So you gotta keep doing it, keep becoming.

Sometimes we are...