

The Cry's of the Universe
Ripples begin with a drop of fluid, a shake of or the rumbling of the ground and no matter how long they last there's always a beginning and an ending to the ripples - that are made.

Same applies to the movements we make during our lifetime. We make steps causing ripple efforts to start and stop all of the time.

Starting from our birth to our present time dribbles of the ripples have continued in their movement without us realizing when and where they started.

Most times our ripples begin with sound which causes movement. With the first sound we all make coming out of the womb is "our first crys".

Our first cry's started the first ripple of our life and those cry's determined whether we get what we needed to survive life to this present day.

Because of these cry's we were loved, or hated, fed, or starved, cared for or thrown away without knowing that our cry's had made ripples in our universe.

Imagine every child's cry heard and felt as the rippling continues throughout our lifetime.

To know, a sound ripple works the same as a fluid ripples except with different applications. Sound waves versus fluid disturbances.

Sound waves continue outside of our hearing range and never stops and do so without causing any destruction.

Fluid disturbances destroy everything in its path until it comes to a collective and connective stopping point.

So, our ripples begin at first and last throughout our life but what difference did those cry's make in our universe?

Our cry's - our voices and words spoken continue on - even when everything else ends it's because of these lost cry's and lost words spoken that our world continues to find purposes and more reasons to keep turning.

Now as the ripples continue to flow let us watch the way our water and words are directed because our cries are heard throughout our universe causing our Earth to rumble and shake out of control.

© V's Says