

A daughter without a father!!
It's so sad to hear that words,
There's more sad to live than that.

( when we lose someone, only then we understand their value).

I know va girl, who lost her father, when she was 4 years old.
At that time she didn't even know the meaning of the Father.
When she became a little order & wiser, She started understanding things.
Then she went to school for the first time, when someone asked her father's name, She replied by crying 😭.
(as if the word were new & strange to her).
When the children used to say that she had no father, She didn't hide her tears😢.
whenever, Paribala used to come sell something, she went buy something, then there standing ,women said, she have not father to put it in a little less. 🥺
( Like everyone showed kindness and used to remind her on everything).
She became very lonely and sad 😔and used to miss her father.
Don't know how many stories started being made in her mind everyday, that what would have happened if father was there. 😔
She has been through a lot in her life.
Whenever, she go out of there house alone, she only think that no one should say anything, otherwise people will point finger at me.
It is not easy to live without a father in this world.
I can't explain her life in only these words.
Now only 20 years of her life have passed,
I pray to God that should be only happiness in her future life. 😊

( Be it's anyone sister, be it's anyone daughter, respect everyone) .
And love your parents a lot, and respect them,
Don't know how many children are yearning for this. ☺🙏🙏🙏.