

You broken my heart
I started my new job as a teacher in kidzee school it's near my house and I like teaching kids. I was happy because of my new job I wanted to share this with you. I called you but the first thing you said "I'm busy I'll call you later" it broke my heart I just said "ok" and hang up the call. I sat in my room in a dazz that what happened to you raj why suddenly you started behaving strangely you were not like this before. I understand if you are busy in your work even I support you but this feels weird. I shivaniya never thought that I'll fall for you in such a short time. But I really 'started liking you' it's also true that you don't know about my feelings. And I'm scared of sharing it you. May be because of a rejection. That day I waited and waited and waited but you didn't call or messaged me. It made me disappointed. so next day I texted "raj where are you I wanna say something"
he replied " I'm going Jaipur regarding work I'll call you in night".
I said "ok".
After that I got busy in my school work. In a blink it's evening I'm tired so I just helped mumma in dinner and went to my room. As I entered my room the beep sound caught my attention I pick my phone from the table and saw raj's text " hello"
I replied "Hello"
I was happy and excited to I decided in my mind that today I'll tell him that I like him. so I waited for his reply.
he replied "what are you doing "
I said "nothing just came to my room.. actually I wanna say something".
raj " what is it?"
me " actually raj I like you"
raj "really"
I said "yes"
it feels really nice after sharing my feelings and happy though as well as nervous too.
raj replied " I love you so much will you marry me in near future"
when I saw his message my heart was pounding and I was over the sky .
I said "ofcourse".
Like this that day we chatted whole night but I never thought that my happiness is for just a few days .It's been a week since I told my feelings it's the same he didn't call or texted when ever I do and ask him he says I'm busy it went on like this. Today mumma asked me do you really think raj is serious about marriage. I saw mumma's worried face because so many people are sending marriage proposals for me so mumma told me to ask him about the marriage so I texted him " raj it's been a week since we last talked"
he replied "sorry I'm busy with work lastly".
I said " it's ok.. but mumma told me to ask you that are you serious regarding our marriage"
I waited but there was no reply after around 15 mins he replied " no because it's not the right time if you find someone suitable please marry don't wait for me ".
after seening this text my tears started flowing. I never thought that he'll say something like this after that day he never texted or even called and I'm totally broken.
© devil_shiva_singh