

Those days with you 🫀
Once upon time stopped when I was in 5th standard, alone on the last bench a wind arrives at the time of mid Jan, and I saw you my love but my knowledge is so depressed that I can't understand that this felling is love, but thanks to MOKSHIKA that she explain me that the way I am felling for you is love , isen't it dumb . After she explain me love my fellings tighten and in 6th class I settled with my friends Mokshika and Darsh , we call other by term ‘BHAI’ means brother. It was my golden period because in this stage my love and my friendship make my life .

I still remember that was so crazy about you that I use to follow you , love you but I didn't have that much currage that I can talk to you but I remember at a time you was sad and was crying due to exam pressure so I wear my cap like this that you start loughing ,and my mind have stored your smile and that sound of your Lough, I am still wearing that cap in that way😊.I don't know what you think of me but one thing was clear for me that rather then you I don't want to have someone in my life . The reason why I will not marry anyone is you because I just want your love , it's not like that I will steal you and your love , never because in my defenation I just want the happiness of yours , I am just wishing for your Lough and smile I don't care from it comes, if it is from anyone else no problem I just want your happy happy face not you.

During 7th standard, I don't know if you remember or not, I was actually staring yours black hairs and golden earrings because your blowing hairs and your femenine body makes me crazy and force me to stare at you. While that time in my dreams the song ‘Duniyaa’ was playing and suddenly you looked at me and move your eyebrows to ask me what I am staring at but it was a movement for me as you watch me so ,your cute smile makes me blush and your Lough still make me a lover, at that time I actually understand that my heart is melting and you activate my adrenaline every time.
But here comes twist after our summer holidays we don't meet each other for 3 years reason is so simple actually one Name -COVID-19. In this 3 years I understood that love is not ment to watch your love everytime but it's when you wishes and remember them even when you are in comma . Look dear love you had given me so much knowledge, you are my Content without you my poetry, quotes and story all are nothing, Thanks my love thanks a lot .😊

During the period of 2 years, 11 months and 3 days I struggled a lot actually and my struggle during these 2 years was by only me , not even my sister, brother, my parents no one was involved in my struggle. Sometimes I talk to mokshika and do you know when I was struggling for my identity and my fellings I am having suddenly for you my family make me feel that LGBTQ+ all are wrong . In this main role is of my cousin sister and my dad they tease me for being a tomboy. I still remember that I used to be close to boys and try to have felling for boys but I got unsuccessful every time then after a long duration of 2 years 12 months I fought for my identity and I get my answer that my happiness is my truth and my happiness is you and my friends but I don't know why I start to feel ashamed of being myself, I was so shame of being a human, I thought that I doesn't deserve to have breathe because this air will stop to reach me like others but again with help of one and only YouTube I got to know I am not unnatural. I searched for 2 girls love then I got to saw 2 couple YASHAL (Yashvika+payal ) karawachoth video that make me sure that I am not wrong .

At last of this part big thanks to MOKSHIKA and DARAS BHAI and YASHALs .🙏