

Free souls in an enslaved world
The assassination drew the whole of the domestic media as well as the international media, it was a TV sensation, plus Den's speech had been recorded, although since he'd used a voice changer so it was a very deep bass voice compensating for his original falsetto.

Den was out of sleep for a long time, they had burnt all evidence and they knew that they that is the local police plus the intelligence agencies wouldn't be able to track them since they had removed all evidence and no outsider had been their accomplice. There were no CCTV's near the ditch and police hadn't caught wind of them while the whole operation took place.

The CIA was in a fix, Joseph McDowell, the spy who had tracked down Osama was hired to work on this case but to no avail, they had no starting proof, it was all circumstancial evidence which was good for nothing.

Den slept well after four days of insomnia, he was sleeping soundly, but he was having a lucid dream.

Inside it, the scene of them getting to the hall was being recreated, but as soon as he got down, the two guards he had killed turned around their eyes which were bloodshot, "Denezius, hurrah Denezius our hero, our saviour", they chanted simultaneously while they ran towards Den and they strangled him, their skin and meat was burning, Den could smell the rotting bodies from outside, "AARGH", he tried to let go of them but to no avail, he turned to his friends but they were mere skeletons , standing on the pavement with the guns, one of the guards kicked at them and they let out a screech, like a banshee.

"AAARGHH", Den woke up with a start. Ella woke up too, and grasped his face, "What's it honey, here have some water calm down, calm down", Den took the bottle and gulped down some water and he hugged her like he had never hugged her before, crying. "I hate myself Ella, I killed two innocent people and now they'll haunt me for the eternity of my lifetime, I'm a terrible most loathsome man darling", he succumbed to fresh tears. Ella patted him on the back, " Honey look whatever needed to be done was done, it was destiny's work hun, everything was you know screaming disarray in unison, but what happened has happened Denny, why cry over something you had no control over." He still clutched onto her for what felt like years but was actually just five minutes before he went up to pee and came back, now looking pretty grounded. "I'm sorry to have bothered you love....", "Oh honey don't apologise, we're all proud of you okay?".....

"The CIA and the state police plus the government has become involved in this matter, do you really think we need to continue this mission, won't it just means the death penalty to all of us, and now or later they'll find us and torture is even the girls, so how can we keep going?", Bisar asked Den, "No Bisy, what'll happen will happen so please don't ask me to not take action, if nobody supports me, I'll do the mission impromptu....."

Sneak Peak:- Bisar started making the drone, first he and Abkortas made a blueprint on how it must look and whatever items were required in order to build it, they then gave the list to Denezius

© Dhritiman