

Profession, Education and Learning.
Where profession is only subtle on Degrees or Certificates than anyone could make their way to an duplicate Degree and the result won't be more or less different than this horrific incident and it reminds me of a Doctor whom my father. He used to take me to the hospital for seasonal cold or flu, after various examines that I have got through with that doctor. Than my father eventually came to know that whether you bring any case with any disease to him, he will used to prescribe or suggest the medicine of T.B and when it continues on than we have stopped going to him. Profession and Education, and Learning. If someone could settle into Trade, Business or any occupation with having a Learning curve because in the end education is a learning curve, but in this culture we believe that being a Degree holder is everything but, it opens up the Door for those who may become educated in the public eye, but the truth is they are educated fools.