

Uncle Tom
Somehow all love story have a different ending. Mine was a little bit complicated. I had love a single woman through out my entire life, she is the first woman I trusted much and loved her deeply. Perhaps people see me as a tough man, and having no compassion to others but little do they know my sacrifices in order to help them. Yes I am Tom Beckham a loving father and a husband.Kiel is my step Son the child of Myrna. My first love but destiny set us apart he married a guy who's name is Mando but they did divorce which I felt the pang of happiness for he have another chance to prove how much he love Myrna.

I know I am the bad guy in the eyes of my step son but I'm not. A simple and loving person I am. Keil is a bit devil child he is weird sometimes ,I did notice he talked alone and sometimes I saw him having a blood in the clothes he wear.

Neighborhood keep on gossiping me because of kiel stories about me, I am not bad guy that wear a mask but I am the guy who misunderstood by many.

To be continued.