

A Peaceful Night That I Once Devoted In Loving And Respecting Myself
The sky was dark with the glimmer of full moon and the stars lighting up the sky with their bright shine. A Cool and soothing wind was blowing while the windows of my car were down. I could feel the wind gently touching my face. There was a soft music being played in my car. My heart was beating normal, not in a rush. Being a young, teenaged girl, I was driving my car at a slow speed through a silent road not caring about the world.

The only place for me where I could hide from this world and its worries, was my car and a silent road where nothing could be heard, nothing could be witnessed and nothing could go wrong with me. I could laugh, I could cry, I could do anything I wanted. My dear mum, who makes me forget all of my worries, by just talking to her, called me being anxious about me. I told her that she did not have to worry about me because wherever I was, I was doing great.

I then talked with her for an hour to reassure her that I am completely fine. I had a really peaceful night all alone by myself and had all the time to love myself and think about myself.