

"Family in a Foreign Land"
Chapter​ 31"Napping outside"

One day, Wilhelm asked his mother if she had ever let him nap outside when he was a baby. Inger smiled at her son's curiosity and confirmed that she indeed used to let him sleep outside when he was a baby.

She explained to Wilhelm that this practice of letting babies nap outdoors is a common custom in Scandinavian countries. Parents believe that allowing babies to sleep outside in the fresh air can be beneficial to their health and well-being.

Inger shared that as a baby, Wilhelm used to sleep very peacefully when he was outside, bundled up warmly in his stroller. She reassured him that she always kept a close eye on him, making sure he was safe and comfortable.

Hearing this, Wilhelm felt a sense of connection with the upcoming baby, knowing that they would share this unique experience. He was even more excited about his new role and looked forward to helping his parents care for his new sibling.

The conversation brought back fond memories for Inger, and she felt grateful for the bond she shared with her son. She was excited to continue this tradition with the new baby and to create new memories as a family.
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