

Dark Truth of the Devil
CS:       “Welcome. Come in. Glad you could darken my door”.
Devil:      “Appreciate you CS. Thanks for the invite. Only the insane would entertain this idea”.
CS:      “Can’t discriminate”.
Devil:      “That’s what I inform those souls who gain permanent residence in hell. Always crying ‘you can’t’, I’m rich, I’m poor, I’m gay, I’m saved. Their titles in life is like maggots tunneling in feces. Worthless”.
CS:      “I can only imagine the shit. Anyway I invited you here to tell your own dark truth”.
Devil:      “Not a problem, but be warned. My words may twist your soul”.
CS:      “Then consider me damned, because a motherfucka want an ear full”.

      “Before Jesus been walking his stankin-ass on Earth
I was God’s right hand man, putting in that Hitler’s work,
      “Giving him all the glory and all the praise
It would have been non-stop until the end of days,

      “But my arrogance and pride became my disgrace
Got on that ignorant shit thinking I could take the old man’s place,
      “Started a civil war between angels to take the throne
Caught that divine two-piece, now hell is my home,

      “Now I get in where I fit in
Pimping souls eternally for their motherfuckin sin,
      “Torturing fools not only with the physical, but the mental
Busting the faith of the most holy like a diseased infested pimple,

      “Welcoming all atheist, because the non-believer adds spice
Causing my flames of hell to strobe like a disco light,
      “Still convincing the world my evil ass do not exist
And those who believe-drink unknowingly my annihilating piss,

      “The politicians are on so much fuck shit-I’ve become numb
And a shot out to J Robert Oppenheimer for creating the atomic bomb,
      “So when shit pop off millions will be bound for hell in mass
I have unlimited real-estate waiting for their genocidal stupid ass,

      “From sex traffickers to the cocaine sniffing fuckers in the White house
I even have a hellish Disney Land for woke-ass Mickey Mouse,
      “But remember sin is one-hundred percent the individual’s choice
So no fucks are given when my evil gangbang that ass until bloody moist,

      “Making motherfuckers hate, because I’m king of the fuck up
Ever since my Adam and Eve threesome I continued to straight nut-up,
      “Murdering babies and old folks in their sleep
Because I’m the dark shepherd and humanity in general is pathetically weak,

      “I consider my evil a dark gift from almighty God
And with a wicked smile-I do a magnificent job,
      “I still have love for him, but fuck him under my breath
That is why I steal, kill and destroy until nothing is left”.  

CS:      “Straight to the point huh?”
Devil:      “Like the horns on my head. Well I’m about to leave. I have more evil to inspire and souls to collect”.
CS:      “You don’t have to go far. There are plenty of homeless at the circle K on the corner.
And across the street the Heavenly Gate nursing home”.
Devil:      “Thanks CS. I’ll start my shopping there. But first I detect betrayal and hurt at the Jones
 residence. Mr. Jones found out Ms. Jones been cheating and is getting his axe”.
CS:      Ms. Jones do have some good pussy. But there is another target across town. A Black Transgender Lives Matter school reading today. Parents have been pissed-off about that shit for a minute. Hey, what you doing?”
Devil:      “I just transferred Mr. Jones evil intensions to the few armed parents going to the school. Watch the 10 o’clock news tonight of the mass shooting that’s coming”.
CS:       “Alright. Happy hunting and peace to you”.
Devil:      “And an uncomfortable peace to you. Amen”.