

✨Pirate Squad's Treasure✨

You came across someone whom you thought was the "One", but instead just wants to purposely mess around. Write something that would turn this story into an explicit ending.

( In Captain Oyon's Pirate Ship )

Captain Oyon!!! he is not that 'One'...
Mayor Chak screamed behind...

Hey, tell me who is behind you
Are else your friend death, will call you... Chief Sren...

"Captain Oyon, do what you can", Chief Sren smirked

( Oyon understands that he is ready to die rather than telling who is the "Pirate Squad"....)

"Mayor Chak put him in the dungeon,
which consists of rats... he will die soon in darkness... drag him away"

( In Pirate Squad's Den )

Pirate Squad !!! Pirate Squad!!!
Chief Sren was hand arrested by Oyon also he found out, you are the one who took the treasure hunt map in his place....

"What are you saying ??? did he found out that Pirate Squad was behind but it's really impossible..."
Chief Lon shouted...

What can we do now Captian Aryn ?

( Captain Aryn was very quite and thinking about how he found out him )

Chief Lon relax he knows me as 'Pirate Squad' not as 'Captain Aryn'

"Captain Aryn Our White Sage is calling you...."

Good morning Grandma how are you feeling now?

Aryn I'm really good, I came to know that you took Our treasure hunt map from Oyon give me I'll take a look...

Grandma not now you are not feeling well....

Aryn... it's ok I can work, the more we make our steps the more we catch up...

Ok Grandma... I'll give you the box...

( In Captain Oyon's Pirate Ship )

Mayor Chak any information from that Chief Sren...

Captain Oyon, he is not opening even though we would do our best...

Interesting that, the Pirate Squad has a loyal person...
Mayor Chak it's better to implement our plan...Now he evil smiled

Ok Captain Oyon...

Destinate our boat to 'Venom Spirk Valley'

( In Captain Aryn's Palace )

Captain Aryn our Damaged ship was ready now ...

Good news, Chief Lon make ours peoples in the ship we need to move our step before Oyon's moves it...

May I come in Grandma...

Come in... Aryn

How are feeling now ? better Grandma...

Of Course I'm Aryn, don't worry
Also I found a way... to get our treasure...
Aryn it's say our treasure was under the Ocean of.....

Grandma... Ocean of???

'Ocean of Venom Spirk Valley'

Chief Lon destinate our ship to 'Venom Spirk Valley'

Captain Aryn what are you saying ???
did I mistaken it...

No ... Destinate our ship...

Aryn it's really Ominous to go there

Yes Captain Aryn, White Sage is correct we can't...

Chief Lon and White Sage
it's my father's treasure I need it...
Before his death it's the duty he give to me I need to save my father's words I'll need to fulfill my father's words... Now what are you two saying ???

Aryn go on your Grandma will help whatever I can ...

Captain Aryn, don't worry Chief Lon is also there with you...

Thanks to you... Grandma and Chief Lon...

( After 34 days )

Captain Aryn we came to 'Venom Spirk Valley' the water is red in colour the sun is melting in the Red Waterfalls...

It's not water Lon, it's blood of Monsters.... who lives here it's eats and spills all the blood here....

White Sage what are you saying...

It's the truth Lon...

What is the Sound over there....

What!!! Why our Ship is shaking...Is that Dangerous Monster came...?
Chief Lon trembles...

Yes, Aryn get ready

Ok Grandma...

Crew peoples be ready Anytime attak will there...

Aryn I think it's behind the mountain...

( Behind the mountain a tiny creature )

White Sage don't say me it's that dangerous Moster .... Chief Lon joked

It is Lon...

Haaa Haaa how can be Sage...
see, I took in my hands...it's so soft...

( A few Seconds later )

White Sage please help me, it's dangerous monster...

As I said, Lon

How it can grow this much bigger it's really dangerous... White Sage save me...

Can't you fight???

Sage I'm General Advicer...not a fighter....

Crew peoples go on attack... Aryn yelled ...

( Aryn and that giant monster fought vigorously, but the slipped part turns to join again...)

Aryn Put your Sword in it's heart...
which is in it's right leg...

Ok Grandma...

( Aryn defeated the monster )

Captain Aryn you are really great...

Captain Aryn we are in Venom Spirk Valley ....

Aryn it's really important to make your skills more shaper from now...

Ok Grandma...

( In Captain Oyon's Place )

Captain Oyon, they defeated the monster we made...

So, that Pirate Squad is quite skilled I think...

"Mayor Chak keep the treasure save he will come to know that the treasure is with us and he will definitely likes to meet me..."

Ok Captain Oyon.

( In Captain Aryn's Ship )

"Grandma What's the matter why you called me in hurry...."

Aryn where do you think the treasure will be?

Grandma what happened you said it was under the Ocean of Venom Spirk Valley ....we are going to that area right?

It's no use to go there Aryn...

White Sage did I....did I ....made a mistake....?

it's not like that Aryn but...


"At First when I examine the map it's tells our treasure was under the Ocean... my Crystal ball brighten too...
but now my heart is not that Confident and my Crystal ball is not brighting too..."

Captain Aryn what if Oyon took our Treasure first...? Lon commented

Grandma and Lon, who says we are going to the Ocean...Aryn chilled

Captain Aryn what are you saying ...

Chief Lon I know it already, he will do his first move when he came to know that I took his map so let's go to that place....

Where Aryn???

You will see it Grandma...

( In Captain Oyon's Secret base )

Mayor Chak!!! Mayor Chak!!!
why Mayor Chak is not Answering...
where he is...

How can a dead person answer Oyon?

Who's this ...?

( Conva between Pirate Squad and Captain Oyon )

Give my Father's Treasure now Oyon...

Your Father's Treasure...what are you saying don't say me you are...

Yes Oyon I'm the Pirate Squad
And I'm the Aryn ....

Oyon do you think I've dead... ???
you kill my father and took his treasure which he made for our people by his own efforts,
you also stabbed me in my chest ... but I never die you pit.... I was alive I lived to kill you Demon...

( Captain Aryn and Oyon fights ..... Raging in blast )

Captain Aryn are you alright...
your right hand it's bleeding...

Don't worry about me take my father's treasure Lon ...

Ok Captain Aryn...

Captain our Crews won they are in our ship let go...

Chief Lon burn Oyon's ship ..

Captain Aryn...

I said burn his ship .... Make sure all those Oyon crews and that Oyon are destroyed...

Ok Captain Aryn...As your wish

( After a year )

Grandma do you like this place...

Yes Aryn, I'm glad your father find out those everseeds which has many
herbal properties our peoples are really affected by deadly diseases,

A long time ago your father worked hard and find out those seeds for our people but Oyon was that much greed of your father's credits and killed him....

Grandma please stop crying ...your Grandson is here to make you happy...

Yes, that's right Aryn...
grandma smiles... and Aryn felt grateful....

Captain Aryn, A good news...

what's that Chief Lon

Our Country raids poverty by your father's seeds the treees are growing fast and making rain easily and the food obtained from the seeds are curing our disease...

Our Country becomes Disease free and With happy peoples...

Thanks Chief Lon I'm happy that,
it's all because of our unity ...

Chief Lon...

Yes, Captain Aryn

what about Chief Sren is he alright...

Yes, Captain Aryn your father's seed cured my brother's health...

That's a relief Lon...

( At last Aryn and his Country lives in glory and filled with happiness )

Hi Friends 🤩 it's a Story about Pirate's Fanatsy....







#ArynWins #peoplehappy

Friends 🤩 I hope you will like it 😊

© Niyana_cage ❄️