

Disconnecting to protect my inner peace.
Recently after a long break from Instagram, I decided to create an account for fun and entertainment... Even on this App I posted about it on my bio... !!!
However..after using it for just a few hours..I felt deeply hurt by the posts and reels about the incident that took place at Kolkata Medical College.!!!
The more I read the more disturbed I became..!!
I began to question myself : Why do I even need to use Instagram?????
My life is not meant to entertain others...
I've already lost faith in people and every time I try to reconnect with society..news like this makes me anxious again...!!
As a doctor, our entire lives are dedicated to books and serving others..but what do we get in return???? A rape???? A murder????
Being a doctor is already challenging and society only makes our path tougher by adding more mental and social stress...!!!
Today I realized that it was good I left social media behind because I no longer have any interest in living my life to entertain others...!!!
It's better to be selfish and self-centered...!!
I would also encourage all medical influencers to stop providing free medical advice to their audience...
Our society doesn't deserve any kind of awareness...
Let them suffer and realize the importance of doctors in their lives...!!
It's truly pathetic and hard to believe that such things can actually happen....
Honestly I'm now scared to even deal with patients alone..!!!
I don't allow any patient to enter my OPD unless a nurse is present...
I never used to pay attention to these small things but now fear has taken hold...!! I don't know how to react to all of this because in the end no one is going to understand us...
The life of a doctor is miserable...
we don't deserve happiness.

Ab shyd it won't be easy for me again to connect with the society via any social media platforms!!
Ab bs khud pe focus karna and my family!!
and Jyda famous bi ni hona in life..

Damn now every such lil things related to life scares me now!!

© @sillysparker