

cards never die
his pov:
on the stage she was simply a blazing fire. She stood out, too beautiful were her graceful movements. I soo wanted her to look at me but she would look anywhere except into my eyes. I mean of course why would she, there were hundreds in the audience whom she was familiar with. But I really hoped and wanted to be the one. Eh maybe I was expecting too much. The dance then got over, I rushed to the backstage in the hopes of meeting her and explaining how effortlessly she danced the night away. Infact I had a handmade card ready for her. Then he came, with her favourite chocolate and a bouquet in his hand. I mean how could I ever beat that? I kept the card underneath all the gifts she had received and she never looked at me. How badly I wish she was mine.

her pov:
My feet were hurting very much. I was afraid I'll forget a step or two. I had to focus on my steps and tried real hard to resist searching for him in the crowd. The dance was intense, and emotions well they had to be dead in that specific piece. I knew if I did look into his dark eyes, I'll smile, a really wide smile, and I had to avoid that atleast for 5 mins. That excruciating dance was finally over. In the backstage, I was with the hopes of meeting him. Well few words of appreciation would have been more than enough, or maybe just that sunshine like smile of his. I think I had a glance of him right before vinay came. He brought chocolates and a bouquet, a really sweet gesture I agree but not something I was waiting for. I lost sight of him. I soon changed to my comfortable clothes. I had to stuff all the gifts in a sack, was already late. I saw a card with his handwriting. Flowers die, edibles extinguish but this! There was no way I was gonna forget this one. He's exactly what I've always been looking for.
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