

The Boy & The Monster
In the room where only a little shine could be seen, there was a boy and a monster.

“Hey! You monster below my bed! What's your name!?” the boy courageously asked.

No one replied and the room was once again plunged in silence, but, it did not last long.

Beyond the light, a shadow was casted upon the wall. Distorted and look like it was drawn by a kid, the monster opened his mouth, “I... don't have a name...”

“Then I'll call you Monster!” the kid decided, crawling closer to the figure.

The monster stopped all of a sudden as if thinking, and then he opened his wide mouth, “Then I'll call you kid!”

“Yes! Yes!” the kid repeatedly nodded, like a chicken pecking the rice. He pointed at the figure in the wall, “Monster.”, his pointing finger turned to his own chest, “Kid!”

“So Kid, why did you call me?” Monster asked.

The kid suddenly sat up straight, he tried to be serious as he proclaim, “Because I want to wish!” but his enthusiastic voice betrayed him.

“Wish? But I am a monster...” Monster was at loss.

“But father said that you would grant any wish!” Kid strongly denied.

The tears that threatened to fall out of his eyes seemed to made Monster panicked, “I get it! I get it! Your wish, I'll make it true.”

Like an illussory bubble, Kid's disappointment immidiately vanished, replaced by a great fervor when he heard his words.


Monster squirmed uneasily but his bright eyes made him unable to take back what he said, “Y-Yes, I promise!”

“So, What's your wish Kid?” he asked, prepared to do his very best.

The light in Kid's eyes dimmed a bit, his hands unconsciously covered the few red marks on his arms, he looked at Monster with sincere eyes, “I wish... I wish my father will love me.”

The dark room returned to tranquility but sometimes it was interrupted by the sniffles of a lonely child.

© gslth:)