

Life Is A Beautiful Struggle.
Amidst today and tomorrow there is a fear which is not anything but an imagination.
We piece together our respective ground works to pluck out this imagination But, we let us slip from living in the present and put us behind in equipping us to forth coming tomorrow.
Let us fizzle out of this imagination.
Whilst we don't be versed what might become a fact tomorrow, For what cause to form a mental picture of fear?
When it is within our power to imagine dreadful thing that might eventuate,
Why don't we place confidence in something good that may conceivably happen.
Neither the Happiness Nor the Sadness lasts forever.
Life is the only tutor, that it coaches us through giving ample of examination.
Once we pass, the certificate of enlightenment is generated and the trophy of happiness is received.
Courses are on no occasion coming to an end and there is a compulsion in attending all these exams conducted by our tutor.
One may pass or fail and this solely rest in our hands.
When we fail , it is beside the point to sober over it, as life gives ample of attempts.
But, let us make a point to clear at earliest as we get an opportunity to jump in new course, despite learning over and over again the same old lesson.
There is happiness at the close of single sadness that we deal.
This is an never ending process.
To be taken into account is ,not to be under impression of our over and done moment of the sadness, when we are the proud possessor of the certificate of enlightenment and trophy of happiness.
Let us take great delight in this occasion but, in no wise fail to bring to mind in kitting ourself out to enter in new and next chapter of our life.
Let us live and deep dive in its each and every moment.
That enhances the value of our respective lives.
Life is a beautiful struggle.