

"You will realize a person's worth when they are gone"
Write a story based on the phrase "You will realize a person's worth when they are gone."
My dads routine every morning six days a week from Monday to Saturday is waking up and 5ocklock am then walked to where his plantation is about 100 meters away from where our house is, then by 6ocklock pm in the evening is when I will see him again at home. I am the youngest of 7 siblings, I will always enjoy being fed and carried by my older siblings taking turns on who to look after me. My mum is always busy cleaning, doing the laundry and cooking.
Every evening my dad will come home with at least something from his plantation, a pawpaw, mangoes or corns. At his plantation has different varieties of crops, fruits and vegetables. When it's ready to harvest, my siblings will go to the market and sell them and Everytime we sell our crops we will always have an ice cream for treats. My dad worked hard at his plantation that there was never a day that we didn't have anything nice to eat. All my 7 siblings were in school and after school they will come home one of them will help my mum with our house chores and the rest will go help my dad out at the plantation.
Life was good and so I thought. The money that we get from selling the crops had paid off a piece of land to call our own. My siblings make it to college and the money from selling crops helped pay there fees and so. I was well taken cared off with nice meal a day.
My dads routine continued. Then one evening, It was the first day of that week, Monday. I woke up to seeing my neighbors face on there bed. I asked for my mum, I was told that she's just going to town and that she'll be back. I was only 6 and half at the time.
About 5 hours later my mum came to get me. I swear the look on her face and her teary eyes trying so hard to hide from me. That was probably the very first time I've seen that kind of look on my mum's face. I didn't really understand what was going on at the time.
We got to the house my siblings were already at the house. All silent when all of the sudden I hear my mum's voice in crying rythem shouting so loud saying "no God no God". I look at my siblings they were all in tears too. I remember mumbling to my older sister to get my dad because my mum is crying.
In my own whole of dillusion and confused, curious but little less emotions.
At the time I know that something is going on but I didn't know what was it. I recall that evening we took a taxi with one bag and all my siblings and on the way to where we were going my mum was crying still. We reach this big building I know it's a hospital. We walked towards a big as room divided with 4 curtains as per each room. One of the curtains with yellow and brown butterfly patterns on it, my mum pull it slowly to my surprise it was my dad lying there on that bed with his arms fold on his chest.
I shouted on the top of my lungs not because I saw my dad lying there but because everybody in there were crying. My dad was just lying still with eyes close.
I fell asleep after the commotion and wake up the next day. The next day was never the same. There was no usual routine. It was weird and unsual. Then the came the next day and the next.
My dad did not wake up on that Monday where I woke up to see my neighbors face at there house. Dad had high blood pressure and on that Monday the blood clot the veins and causes dad to stop breathing for good. Things has never been the same since. Things I thought didn't matter, seeing my dad to the earliest start of the day till Dawn just so we could have food on the table and a roof over our heads in his own sweat without knowing that as he had been working the hardest, he was also sick at the time. I may not have known pain of sweating and hard work but I know the pain of losing my dad at a young age. His worth for us was the good meals and good life that he gave us. He build a house for us but didn't get to leave with us in it. I will trade anything just so that I can see him one last time.
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