

A Sweet Lover
Julie Jones sat on the edge of her chair in anxious anticipation waiting to see her lover Miles Davis walk through the door, Miles always had a way of sending chills down her spine with each new day.
I wonder where he could be, then with a quick gasp the door opens and there he was, just as bold and beautiful as ever; what's up Julie how are you; I am great now, she replied, with a brilliant smile on her face. He snuggled up next to her to give her a kiss, just the sight of him sends chills up her spine, he has such a powerful hold over her; which frightened her emensely. And with that she leaned in to embrace him, giving into his muscler body next to hers. The sweet passion they share is electric and can be felt in the next galaxy whenever they touched each other. Round and round they go for several weeks, night and day his long manhood plunged to send sweet pain threw her small frame. Julie I can't get enough of you, what have you done to me. Julie just smiled and kissed him on the cheek. It's time for us to come back to reality, Not yet Miles said, with an evil grin on his face, I want some more of that Julie, And with that another two weeks passed before each of them realized what was happening. Miles looked into Julie's deep blue eyes, sending chills down her spine, what is it Miles. Julie I want a baby, please give me a baby. Well Miles were already there, I'm already carrying your child. And with that he plunged it into her so hard she let out a scream everyone could hear down the street. Oh Miles I Love You so much. He looked at her and continued to pound out a piece of her flesh. I know that's why Im here. The next morning they both lay on the edge of the bed silent. Miles we need to discuss the baby. What about it, you know I'm here for you and the baby always, I can't leave my mother right now because she's sick. But I promise I'll be here for you always. No issues Miles I get it. you only want me for the passion right, it is what we do best he says with a sweet grin on his face. yes it is my lover; and with that he was dressed and gone back to his mother's until this time next year. The sweet anticipation keeps our hearts strong even though we're apart.
© Monica Bertrand

The next few weeks flew by like sands in an hourglass, it was almost time for the baby's arrival, everything had to be just right. Even though Miles would not be there she still loved and cherished it. Time seam to stand still at the end of the pregnancy as her stomach got bigger and bigger, then as suddenly as it started she noticed sharp pains going threw her body signaling the time of it's arrival. She gently placed her hand over her stomach and called an ambulance to bring her to the hospital.
They almost didn't make it in time because the pains was coming quickly and sharp, then with one big push Alexander came out kicking and screaming. Thank God all the pain was over, now come the easy part, Loving her Son.
As the years went by still no Miles, Alexander grew stronger and Stronger each day. Bringing joy and sadness to his mother's soul; because she knew he longed to see his father . Julie did all she could to console him, even bringing in a tutor to assist him with his studies. She even baught him a dog, which worked like a charm, he forgot all about his missing father. A couple weeks passed away like clockwork, and they were all sitting around the kitchen table when there is a knock at the door. Alexander jumped up and ran ahead of me to answer the door. There he stood tall and more brilliant as I remember him. Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes, Julie exclaimed sarcastically. Where have you been she chimed. A big grin broke across his face; taking care of mother, she got sick and had to be hospitalized.
I'd hope you'd understand. I do Julie said, but Alexander doesn't. Just then Alexander came over to a wide eyed Miles. This is your Father Alex. Julie exclaimed. Later on that night they play fetch with the dog and he put them both to bed.
Afterwards Miles walked in the room and slowly close the door, came over to Julie and nelt down, putting his hands on hers, he gently asked her to be his wife. Julie jumped up embraced him and quietly said she'd be his. The next few weeks they all planned the wedding. Everything was perfect, even the dog. That Day was great and even more they all packed there bags and moved in with Miles. Life was great for now, with her sweet Lover.