

It Doesn't Hurt Anymore
You know you're done when the ending doesn't hurt you anymore. It's when you're more than ready to move on than to dwell with the drama of letting go. It's when you've accepted that it's already over instead of denying it. That's when you'll know that you're ready for the next chapter to begin.

It scares me at first. But now that the words has been spilled, it was like nothing. I didn't even cry. I am not even upset. I have anticipated for it to happen anyways. I've been meaning to hear it from her. No third party involved. No huge fight about certain things. We just decided to call it quits after few months of battling with our silent fears. We've decided to let each other go instead of dragging the relationship and be broke because of it. We agreed to cut ties instead of growing relationship with hatred. I can say that this is a sign of maturity for the both of us.We ended out beautiful relationship because we no longer share the same value and ideals. We no longer see each other eye to eye.

I don't know what the future holds for me but I am more than ready to embrace this new chapter in my life. I am more than happy to welcome whatever it is that needs to come in my life.

I hope she's always happy tho. I wish her best. She's the love of my life. That kind of love that I needed to set free.