

enough is enough
for decades women and children have been maltreated, neglected,victimized and murdered,

but most of all they have been stripped off their human rights.

what crime have we committed to deserve such hatred from our fellow men, who did we wrong to deserve such calamities, atrocities....

we are no longer treated as human beings, our bodies are treated as packages that need to be delivered somewhere, and misused.

who do we trust, who do we run to when our only crime is being women,

a man old enough to be a girl's father would force himself on a young girl, why?

for years people have come up with several excuses, for victimizing women and children,if it's not how they dressed it was certainly because she wanted it or she asked for it? how exactly?

our neighbours have suddenly became mute, they may witness women and children being abused but choose to keep quiet, why?

when will it stop?

it's not safe everywhere, at home or outside.....

how can we shy away from this....

when our only crime is being women

how is it that a women can be abducted daylight, and no one does anything, what happened to helping those in need, why is that when fellow men witness a girl being dragged and rapped in the bushes instead of helping her they decide to look away......

@human trafficking
@gender based violence

Enough is Enough

_Stop killing us

© Nontetho_Mtembu