

The Secret Of Pluckley
Once upon in England, there lived a gentleman named John. He had a successful business in his country. He leads a lavish live. He had a big bungalow of his own, a loving wife and a beautiful daughter. He had everything in life but that day changed his life forever.
John had a friend named Harry. Both the friends had a dream which darkened their lives forever. They always to see or feel a spirit atleast one time but never had a chance.
But unfortunately, that day arrived. Harry came running to John and told "I found it, I found it." John sipped his tea and told "Found what?"
"John, I have heard that there is a village named Pluckley which is told to be cursed. People tell that whoever enters the village never returns."
John was very excited " Then why wait. Get ready. We will go there the day after tomorrow."
So on Thursday, they began their journey. They took the BMW car which John owned. After a three hours journey they arrived Pluckley.
When they entered the village they felt a cold wind which blowed through their body. After entering the village Harry took out his camera to take some pics. Soon they were in the middle of the village. John sighed and commented "There nothing here Harry. All these are useless." Just then Harry exclaimed "What was that." John told him "What did you saw." Harry told that he saw a child running behind the well. John told him to wait here and proceed towards the well. As soon as he came closer a girl instantly jumped into the well. Surprisingly there was no sound of water. John was terrified. Harry, who watched all these from his position and ran towards him. He assured John and went to see inside the well. Suddenly a burned, scary and terrifying creature pulled Harry inside the well. Harry screamed inside the well and then there was silence all over. John screamed and after a moment he started proceeding towards the well. In a flash the creature emerged and threw something to John and went down. John took a closer look to the thing. To his horror it was Harry's head. He screamed and quickly ran to his car and directly went to his home. Next day he became mad. His family members admitted him to a mental asylum. Now, when he sleeps he remembers the head of Harry and screams in terror.