

Plate Of Death
If it wasn't food poisoning; what else could it have been?? A person keeps getting sick and is constantly experiencing severe "life threatening" stomach problems, liver problems, and intestinal problems throughout all of the years they have been living in your house. They only ate the food that you cooked for them and food from restaurants that you bought and gave to them but a couple of months after they moved out of your house and decided to stop eating your food; their sickness miraculously went away and started to heal. What the heck does that tell me?? Or do you think I am stupid and can't read between the lines? If something is genuinely wrong with a person's bodily organs; the issue is not going to suddenly vanish as if nothing ever happened; as soon as they change their location or refuse to no longer accept meals from a particular person. That's not how illnesses work!!! A real authentic sickness that is harmful enough to possibly end someone's life and was not caused by something they or anyone else did; would require medical attention and isn't going to get better without that; no matter where they choose to live or what they choose to eat; and last but not least; can you explain to me how a person is not able to eat certain food brands or food from certain restaurants but is able to finally eat it once they physically distance themselves from you and get out of your presence??? You sick fuck!!!! #food #drinks #beverages #meal #feast #foodpoisoning #poison #foodpoison #poisonous #healthfailure
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