

Case NO. G707 ~ Chapter 6
Chapter 6- I won't die!!

The stranger stabbed her stomach.
Stranger :" Huh!.....'I wilL nOt DiE '"
(He laughed and smirked)

Chapter 6- Yukti's brilliant action skills!

He was leaving that place that suddenly he heard cracking sound of shoes, he turned back , seeing that she was still lying on the ground he felt relief. He again walked two steps forward but this time he heard gun unlocking sound, he slowly turned back. Yukti was standing and giving him a death stare as if she will not leave his single bone to not be broken.

Stranger : You're just too stubborn, why don't you die?You made every criminal's life like hell since you joined crime branch department.
Saying this to her he attacked her again , she defensed herself, dodged his every attack .
Stranger: Aaaaaah! DIE!
He was just about to chop her neck off , that she stopped him by holding his hand, in a perfect reply she broke his one arm and leg.

Boom!! Gun was fired there, the bullet shell bounced, fell down on the ground and rolled away. (Ting...ting...ting!!)
Yes, she shot gun on his leg. Using her all energy, she hit on his head with her gun and made him loose senses.

Flipping her gun she walked away by saying-
" You shouldn't have messed with your death.....and your death is ....ME!"

The sence shifted to Steve and Ranjiv.

Steve: Sir, I wanted to meet your senior to discuss about the case.
Ranjiv: My senior....whom? Yukti ma'am?
"Yeah!" Steve replied
Ranjiv: OK, you can come with me , she is missing from the past 5 hours. I have tracked her location, let's go!

Both reached outside the bungalow,Yukti came to them walking slowly taking deep breath.
Both- Ma'am are you okay? Oh no! you're really injured badly, who stabbed you?
Steve- You should go to the hospital.
Ranjiv- No, it will be a golden chance for the enemy.
Yukti- Oh! Stop you two! I'm okay and not going anywhere ( that she lost her senses)
Steve made her sit somewhere , while Ranjiv brought her water to drink.
Ranjiv- Ma'am water, we will drop you home, don't worry.
Steve- But they know her address, even her own home is not safe for her.
Ranjiv- Yeah, they know mine's too, but wait! no one knows your address. Would you help?
Steve- Why are you even asking sir ? It would be my pleasure if I could help my county's bravehearts .
Both of them helped her and dropped her safely to Steve's residence, now Yukti will be staying there as it's the safest place for her now.

Next morning, Yukti asked Steve for a favor, that if he could drive her to the bungalow.
On reaching there,
Yukti: Hmm...someone rescued that stranger.
Steve: How are you this assure about that?
Yukti- I broke his one arm and leg, hit his head with my gun,fired a bullet on his leg. So how will a person be able to walk in this situation all by himself?
Steve- You're right! look! what's there?
Yukti-His cellphone, it's working. Possibly, when he came back to senses, would have called someone to rescue. Let's see...
Steve - How did you unlocked his phone?
Yukti- That's how I became a crime branch officer 😏 This...this number, I...I have seen this somewhere. Let me check.....

WHAT!!? this can't be possible !.....or it's really a WELL PLAYED GAME?

So....what did she got to know that changed the whole case?
Whose number was that?
Will she be able to catch him?

To know further......As always

© yuktika_sarkar