

Photo gallery studios
The painting was yellowed with rounded edges. It was a masterpiece and it was lying in my hand. Wait, have I stolen it? I don't remember exactly.It was Saturday evening I have been with my friends as usual and we planned to visit photo gallery studio.The finest studio in my town.I love painting and and obviously him too.You must be wondering what am I talking, right?. Let me tell you about him,'It was 27 of January I met him here,in the photo gallery studio.His brown cheeks and that deep black eyes, always fascinated me.He saw me and asked,'hellow,How can I help you ma'am?. Hesitately I responded back, you are.....?My name is Anil ,the managers of this studios.Okay,can I get to see some more wall paintings??I ended.He shown me beautiful wall paintings.They were amazing.The yellow painting with round edges touched my heart.
All I could hear his voice .Iwas deeply impressed by his voice and when I took the paintings in my hand I have no Idea.God knows ,what I have been thinking about!. Ma'am, it's too expensive??I finally came out of my dream and into my sense.I handovered the painting to him ,in return I got a sweet 'thank you' from him .
'That's all ,this are the collection of today months ma'am",he finished.Wonderful collections!I remarke.I bought one of the painting and took a leave.While leaving,my eyes caught his smile.Now , visiting studio was in top list of my hobbies.