

🦄 The Unicorn laws 🦄
We were ignorant, we were young.. we forgot the lessons and rules. For we knew not what we had done that morning. The seasons were turning into spring and the fresh pine smell flowed through the untouched forest. All the animals waking their heads up and the flowers were stretching their arms out and yawning for some sun. I laid with the most beautiful girl in the kingdom. I was a prince and she was my princess. We were to be wed in the fall. But we've known each other since we both could remember. As we were laying down on a very comfy blanket my shirt was off and her head laid on me. rubbing her finger down the middle of my chest as she kissed me all over. I began to smile. I looked at the clock at 7am. What do you want to do this morning my love? Didn't you promise me you'd show me the unicorns? I did, didn't I!? Well it's settled my future queen you get what you want and that's not sarcastic I laughed and kissed her soft lips. I took her down to the heart of the forest where I saw them last. Mind you it's forbidden to go near them and to touch them is penalty of death. But I was young and I knew I could get away with anything since I'll be king one day. She smiled at me as we were crouched down waiting for the magical beings to go by. We waited an hour or so and we're losing hope. But as soon as we were leaving. We heard leaves crack in the distance and heavy breathing. We looked at each other and euphoria filled my heart as I felt like it was a mission accomplished. She got what she wanted and is so happy. Her eyes were so big and sparkly and her smile would make a Kingdom bow down. It was a beautiful sight! I tilted my head as I saw her posture change. It looked like she was getting ready to try to get closer or sprint over. I said what are you doing love? If it was like she didn't hear my words. I saw the back of her slipper as water kicked up from the creek. She started sprinting with her hand out. Almost in a trance it looked like. Nooo Scarlett! I dove after her but right as I tried to grab her it looked like I was grabbing smoke with my open then clenched fist. The fabric slithered through my fingertips! You can't! You mustn't! I cursed under my breath and chased her. The unicorns got rattled and started running away from us. But something made them run this way and as we were in the middle of a stampede, her hand went out to brush it. I slapped her hand but my hand rubbed up against one. I felt it's silky pure fur. My eyes instantly shut and I got nauseous. For she didn't understand and she should have but didn't. They ran off and she looked at me. Are you ok? it's like you've seen a ghost. I fell to my knees not able to get my breath. Both of my hands went to a fist and I started banging my fists in the creek. Water flying everywhere. I looked up with tears in my eyes. It's over... She still didn't understand. Peter, what's going on? As I was walking off she grabbed my shoulder and I shrugged her hand off it. It was a long walk to the castle. I walked into the castle with Scarlett in my ear the whole time. Not knowing what she just provoked. My father the king was in the pits sparring with 5 strong men but he was 6'5 big Scottish build and he was tossing them around like the men were paper weights. I walked into the pits and asked for a moment of my father's time. He told me to proceed as he was panting for air and sipping wine. What do you need, boy? I have terrible news father but by the realms and the gods I have to be honest and speak my truth. He said out with it boy! I have touched a unicorn. Everyone in the pits and around stopped in their place turned and looked at me. You could hear a wine cup drop in the distance. My father stared in my soul and said is this true boy? I said unfortunately it is father. He stopped the practice and said enough for today. Walk with me boy. I walked with him to the old steps in the middle of town. Scarlett was following and was repeating over and over 'what's going on'? The king finally said shut that girl up and bring her here. You did this too my son! She started crying, 'What have I done?' The king said you sit in the front row. As I walked up the steps every step my stomach crawled to my feet. I got up on the stoop. Put the rope around my neck. The old executioner got out of his old wooden chair and brushed the dust off his black robes. The king got the city to come see the public execution of his son. The town was silent as they all surrounded the prince with ropes around his throat only 15 years old. The king got in front of everyone and said my son came to me like a man and proclaimed his crimes against the kingdom and the realm. I gathered everyone to show no one is above the law and as he was saying that it chimed through my ears and flashed me back to when I was 8 years old where he showed me the hanging pits and told me what he's saying now. My eyes stayed closed as I knew the town and my love was watching. The king finally said the words `` I sentence Peter the prince of the kingdom and first born to death for the crime of touching a unicorn. then nodded his head at the executioner and he pulled the lever. The crows that were on top of the pillars looking at me as I flung down. They flew off from the strong vibrations. The king then walked off and didn't look at his son hanging there with lifeless eyes. Scarlett came to me and kissed my feet and for those 3 days I hung there for example. She came and washed my feet. They cut me down and she placed me to rest. It was only her that attended because everyone thought I was a criminal. She wrote on my grave stone.. I Love you, My future king.

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