

I'm A Rohingya Refugee
I am a rohingya refugee,
I love Arakan as like my soul

My circulation of the blood is mixed entirely by the name of Rohingya

All the genocidal difficulties are faced in the soil of arakan
Since we were born.

I am being recognized as the race of Rohingya from Arakan state .
I am rejected that i don't have any country yet
Let's me say where i would go and how!

I am asked “where you are from!
My reaction is “It’s Myanmar” which is the political infringement and genocidal bloodshed
Where there is neither humanity nor equity for the all citizens

See, nobody wants us in Asia
It is so hard to be in Bangladesh for longer
We have neither residence nor home For spending equitable lives
Being Rohingya what we should do, let's us advice

Our children are deprived by educational right
Our people are despoiled from the basic rights
Our properties are abolished
Our motherland is devastated by political war
We are forcibly fled from there (Arakan State)

We, the Refugees are always in fear of deportation,
In the jungle we are hidden by the fears of wild animals
On the soil,we are crawling like without legs
Onto the ocean, we are sinking like without boat.
In the life, we are floating and swimming with lots of persecution, discrimination, pain and even hopelessness...

We can't enough sleep at night
With either blooding tears or painful story at our motherland
The whole night is being the nightmare with lots of fears, anxiety, trauma and gun's sound

As we know, we all have to work together by unity and sincerity for the aim of destiny
As our all blood is the same
As our all suffer is also too

Nowadays our destination is like be in the oceanic grave
As most of our people are dying at the hand of human traffickers and floating onto the river hungrily
As well with lots of tortures even rape to the women

I am a helpless rohingya refugee, Before I say you all goodbye

I swear to Allah,
Listen my tearful and real voices
With my poem as not liable or deceitful.

@Ro Arfat Khan