

Inner Demon(Reunion) Ep5

"Awesome!!!" He shouted scaring his mother
"Oh my......, Mom, it was awesome" he added
"Shawn...?" The mother said
"And, I knock out a giant with just one wipe" He said again
"Shawn.....?" The mother called out again
"Then, there was this man telling me that......" He went on again

"Shawn!!!!, wait, did you complete the task" Asked the mother worried
Shawn answered "I believe so"
"I took the four potions" He added proudly.
"What do u mean you took only four potions, Shawn" The mother yelled
"There are five potions..... Shawn, I explained this to you in details" She added

"Five powers?" Shawn exclaimed
"You had 4......good...... hours to complete the task" Said the mother with a panic.

"Ok, well.....open another portal then" Said Shawn scared

"It doesnt work that way, your father is going arrive any minute, to take those potions and you aswell, turning you like them" Said the mother

Laurette arrives just in time for Shawn's birthday, and knocks on the door.
When a tall man with a long bloody sword and a padlock locked around his mouth appeared and punched Shawn through the doors, hitting Laurette with a lot of force.

Shawn gets mad and tries punch his posessed father
But his father holds his neck emotionlessly looking into his eyes and throwing him underground.

Shawn gains control over the houses and manipulates them to have independent minds.
The houses turn on his father, prompting a smirk from Shawn towards him, as he believes he has emerged victorious.

But his father smirked back, as he fastbacked time to when Shawn emerged from the underground. And without hesitation, he uses his sword to stab Shawn in the stomach before fleeing.
Shawn follows him around the busy city, as they both continued fighting, breaking into every company and houses.

"Why?, why are you doing this to your own family?" Asked Shawn despirately
"Can't you speak?" He shouted angrily

"Oh..., it's this padlock huh?" Shouted Shawn as the father pushes him away from the padlock.

The father heads up to the sky, taking the world back to the era of dinosaurs.
An asteroid is on its way, threatening the planet with destruction.
Rocky fireball, were already killing civilians
Shawn must act quickly to avert disaster and save the world from certain doom.

"Is this who you really...... are?" Shawn asked his father with teary eyes

"Look Dad, this family needed you 16 years ago" He added

"And I need you in my life....., please, because it's too late come back to us" He added again as his father pushed in him to the ground

"You not even listening to me......" Said Shawn angrily, the earth was one minute away from destruction.

"Just give him the potions, so he doesn't swipe out humanity" Said the mother with a sad expression.

"Fine, I'll give you the potions, but please take the earth back to the present" Pleaded Shawn, as the father obliges.
Shawn retrieved the potions and handed it to his father.
Suddenly, he kicked his father in the stomach before using the wooden brick to break the padlock.
The fifth potion was then revealed, and his father and the other possessed victims returned to normal.

Shawn stood before his mother, tears streaming down his face as he spoke the words he had been longing to say. "I did it Mom," he said, his voice trembling with emotion.
His mother looked at him with pride and joy in her eyes, and replied, "You did, Shawn"
"I always believed in you." Her smile was warm and reassuring, and it filled Shawn with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude.

The five potion lay before him.
Each one representing a different mythical creature, he must choose just one.