

Trial Room Of Death!!
Recently, I lost my father and let me tell you fortunately unfortunately my Dad and I were not holding a normal parental bond rather we had some great ethereal cosmic connection. He was the man I could trust , the man I could look up to, a friend I can talk about anything and everything, a guide, a backup or if I can say a backbone of any decision that I make. There was a feeling of a canopy of love, strength, protection over me just by his mere existence in my life.

Many would be questioning why did I use a term like 'unfortunately' in my opening statement. Well, it was his absence that made me realize that it would have been better for me to cope with his loss had we not have had a beautiful relationship. Maybe sometimes bruised relations are somewhere good for us!!

His sudden demise made me contemplate deep about the futility of life, people and everything that we do. This made me thinking how wonderful it could have been had we been given an option of 'a trial room for Death'.

When we go to a shopping mall we try hundreds of attire, meticulously observing every nook and corner absolutely making sure that we get hold of the best product, something that has a superior quality and can be with us for greater utility.

The same logic could have done wonders had it been applied to people around us. We all have someone that we really adore, a group of people that really mean the 'world to us' in true sense. It can be our parents, a cousin, a teacher, a friend or even our beloved pet.

A trial room of death simply deploys the idea of they being dead for some specific no of days. Haha that sounds weird to me too while I write but I am sure soon it will become a fantasy that makes sense.

So, being disconnected from this world for some days has its own magic of seeing the amount of affection and dependence that one has on people close to their heart. The absence of someone could have given us a prototype of how our lives will be without them. This paves way for a lot of pleasant emotions. It is simply a technique of knowing the inner child inside us, our vulnerabilities, our fears and the magnanimous amount of tenderness and warmth that we have for someone.

We all our so busy in our lives these days that sometimes we don't realize that we are hardly giving any time to our own people. It can be rightly said that we do take a few relationships in our lives for granted. When someone leaves the world we tend to be in deep sorrow and then we go down to the memory lanes fetching every happy moment. We are so heart broken that we consider our jobs, our studies or extra curricular activities secondary and grieving someone's loss becomes a primary thing that your heart wants to do. There is a feeling of so much still to say to him, so much still to experience, so much still to correct in the past. Basically the understanding becomes more profound once the person we love is not with us and everything ends with, I wish I could have done this for him or with him.

Had I recieved a trial of my Dad's death, I could have done so much more. Made him experience things that he greatly desired but were still incomplete. Maybe could have taken a month's leave from my work life and completely could have been engrossed in him. Maybe could have just hugged him so tight that he would feel my every heartbeat saying an " I love you Daddy", Maybe played our favourite games together, watched our special movies, going boating, fishing...hush!!! Simply put I would have done everything in my ability to spend my maximum time with him. Because his absence would have made me understood the real value of his presence.

It would have been such a beautiful epiphany to realise about the priorities in our lives. Similar to we getting up after a bad dream and then finding everything right in the real world. That gush of relief and happiness we get after seeing our real world intact signifies the vitality of a human heart and those who live inside it.

Closing this with a very undecorated , innocent thought. Radiate positivity around, invest in relationships in making them stronger and healthier, express your gratitude more often, work equally hard in spending money rather than earning it. It is simpler to feel sorry when someone leaves us forever and difficult to have your heart echo 'Hey, I am really gonna miss you but I am thankful to time and luck for giving me opportunity enough to build so many memories that will help me acccept and live your absence!!'