

A Series of Myths and Legends: Tooth Fairies
When we were children, our parents would tell us to put our chipped tooth under our pillows for the tooth fairy to come. Of course we'd find it interesting and magical. We were kids.

But if you think of it in an older perspective, that kind of situation was creepy. Why would some small creature visit you in the middle of the night for a tooth? Where did they even come from? How did they even exist? Where did their money come from to exchange for the tooth? There were so many questions that we would ask.

I've asked those questions many times to myself, even though it's just a child's imagination. I've let those questions go already. There was nothing to discover for such fairytale, until its parent came.

It happened at normal night.

I bring my children back inside our home after a long day of school. I prepared dinner for them and my husband.

My husband has a home-based work so he stays in the house while taking care of our youngest. We have 3 children. The eldest, our daughter, is 5 years old. Our second child which is a son is 3 years old. The youngest is 10 months old.

After preparing dinner, we have an one-hour forum where we share what we did during the day. This ensures us to keep a strong bond and understanding of one another. We also take pictures if something unusual happened.

My daughter got in a fight at school with a school bully. She defended a younger boy. My daughter doesn't care if she's dealing with a man or woman. She'll fight if needed, at that age.

After the fight, she got a tooth broken. She showed the tooth to us. My husband hates bloody things so this disgusted him. I laugh at him along with my first son. He grabs a plastic and tells my daughter to put the tooth in.

Our daughter also says that she'll put the tooth under her pillow because a tooth fairy will come.

It's a fairytale that ensures happiness to our children so we go along. It'll be our first time dealing with this so we agree to give a normal amount of money.

After that hour-long forum, we prepare our children for sleep. My daughter cleans the tooth and puts it under her pillow and goes to sleep. We sing them a lullaby.

At midnight, my husband and I play a game of rock paper scissors to see who will put the money. I win so he has to do it.

He grabs money and puts them in an envelope. He leaves the room quietly. I read a book for a while.

It's been 3 hours. But I didn't bother because I was immersed by the book.

I decide to go after him.

Just as I open the door, my husband is already there. I ask him if he's alright until he started swaying and turning. When his back is shown, that's where I notice a rope hanging him.

I drop to the floor in fear. I see letters underneath his feet. There were two to be exact.

I took the first one and flipped it to the other side.


I take the other note and run to my children's room. I open it immediately. They are awake. They are crying. The window is open.

My 3-year old son tells me to leave. I refuse to do so. I enter the room only to be flown out to the wall.

I touch the back of my head and feel blood coming out. Everything is blurry. All I hear and see are my children shouting for help as a huge creature blocks my view. As for the last thing, there were glowing objects forcing my children to open their mouths.

I wake up at the same spot. I stand up and look for my children in their rooms. They were all lying down on their beds, facing the wall. My youngest wasn't crying nor moving. He wasn't even breathing.

I check him first and saw that his mouth is all bloody. I check the inside and see no teeth but bloody gums. I get the emergency phone and dialed the police. I check my other children, they were still breathing but unresponsive. They look traumatized. I check their teeth. All their teeth are gone.

The police arrives with the ambulance later on. They do a few investigations and concluded my husband and youngest are now dead. My other two children will be brought to the hospital. The police gives a note while bringing me with them.

At the hospital, I wait by the waiting room for my children. I read the two notes I have. The first one is the one I found underneath my husband's corpse.

"I saw a huge creature in our children's room accompanied by glowing objects. This creature looks like it has murdered his victims and using their bones as clothes haha. It looks dangerous so I will write a letter in case of my death. I got a closer look and the glowing objects look like small humans with wings. Almost like a fairy. The large creature gently carried our daughter as the fairies grab the tooth, replacing them with money. They were giggling a lot and spoke in some sort of language. Probably their own. The large one started looking around. He might have saw me because while I write this letter, it patiently waits for me to move another muscle. I love you, dearie. If still possible, save our children. Though sad to say, our youngest may not make it. Some fairies have been tinkering around him, checking his mouth. I recalled my parents telling me that if I invade a fairy's privacy, it will cost us the lives of our loved ones. I'm sorry. Again, I love you."

I read the other one.

"Do not tinker with what is real and what is unreal. Those who defy reality will only seek what we call death. You are one lucky mortal to have survived."

A tooth was attached to the letter. It is my daughter's tooth.

The doctor arrives with a sour face. What else is there to tell when obviously my children are dead.

I cry while regretting for not being able to be stronger to save my family. The doctor apologizes and leaves me. I stay there, crying out the pain.

After a month, I go back to my home. I had to stay with my husband's sister during that time. She and her girlfriend decided to clean and fancy my house.

Everything feels unusual. Why wouldn't it?

I receive a text message. My brother will be staying with me here. He'll be heading here immediately once his plane lands.

He arrives at around 6 pm. Even though I tell him to rest, he insists to cook our dinner. There was no way of stopping him.

While we eat, I explain everything. It takes about two hours for us to finish our conversation when he suggests that I live with him and his family. I tell him that I need to decide first.

That incident... I want to know what that was. And what creature that is.

And fairies? Don't fuck with me, world. There is no way a child's imagination can become real.

My brother and I have a fun night. He always knows how to cheer me up ever since we were kids. Unfortunately, he needs to rest after a long flight.

I lead my brother to his room. He assures me that everything is alright and tells me to sleep. We greet good night as I head to my room.

My brother wakes me up at 12 AM. He tells me to dress up as we need to leave immediately. I don't even hesitate to refuse and get on with it.

We leave through the window. When it was my brother's turn to come out, a large creature appears, resembling my husband's description in his letter. It appears to approach us violently.

As my brother finally comes out, we run away as this creature tries to capture us. It stops at some points when the glowing objects would try to stop it.

We managed to hide under the car. There was no other place to hide. Trees were far away. Our neighbors as well.

The creature hits the car away. What do I even expect?

My brother holds me tight as he tries to shoo it away.

The creature was bigger than a normal adult. Its clothing and accessories were made of bones. Its horns, teeth, its appearance in general is terrifying.

As it approaches us, my brother and I can't even make a sound due to the fear. As it raises its hand, the glowing objects stop it. They all gang up in front of it as they try to communicate with it.

They seem to come to an agreement. The creature puts its hand down. The glowing objects have the exact resemblance of a fairy.

"Leave and never come back. It is your choice to tell the world of our existence. Let that be said, face the consequences if you choose so."

It shouts at us as we nod in fear. One of the fairies approach me.

"I apologize to your family. Everytime someone sees us, they become very hostile. We only wanted the tooth of your daughter. But, you broke the myth's cycle. And the consequence for that is the loss of your loved ones. At least have these as a remembrance of your dear family."

It hands me four teeth with different sizes. They must belong to my husband and children.


The creature shouts as the fairies hold it back. We run away immediately to the nearby neighborhood.

A man sees us and hurries to bring us inside his home. The rain starts to pour.

The man, seeing how dreadful our expressions were, tries to console us by handing books, turning the TV, and bringing us tea.

While we drink our tea, I notice one of the books dealt with mythology. I read it.

It is a handwritten book of all the man's discoveries with supernatural creatures. One of the pages is a drawing of the creatures back at home.

I ask him about it as he explains about them.

"The large creature is what we can call as 'bone fairies'. They are extremely hostile especially when one sees them. The small fairies are the tooth fairies. They are friendly but work according to the bone fairy's desires. When one sees them, the bone fairy orders to have witnesses killed, including those who mean most to them. It is a rare occasion when it negotiates with you. But it's not rare to be able to run away from them. This is the myth's cycle. They must never be seen. If a child hides a tooth, you must leave them be at all cost. If this is interrupted, everything will reach its downfall."

I keep quiet for a while. He asks me why I am interested of this. I explain to him everything.

He seems intrigued and fascinated of my experience that he asks me more questions.

He says to me that his family became victims of this creature. He survived with only a few teeth left. He decided to move to this neighborhood as he continues to study more of these creature without interacting.

He adds that there is no way to stop them. All we can do is move on with our lives.

I guess I have been doing that last month. It was all traumatizing. Everything, their deaths and these creatures, is too much to handle. I can't take it.

I'll just join them.


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