

(Chapter 1)

This is my birth place story. I was born in 1996 March 7.
Well here I go as a child I was not ever from a worthy rich family.
My biological parents did there best to raising my two older brother and me. Sometimes in life it not fair, in so many ways.
It all depinds on how your parents choose to be or act in reality.
My parents, my older brother, and me lived in Page, Arizona up until 1998.
I'm only 2 years old living with my parents, that work 2 jobs and have my auntie Pualine babysitting us three kids.
There was some fun times with our auntie, We would walk to the park every evening's.
We all would enjoy walking along the sidewalks and dangle are fingers along the fence.
Every morning my auntie wake me up in the morning and brush my hair and tells me, that I had pretty long hair like native lady called Pocahontas. She tell me , that I'm her beautiful niece she had.
But it was to bad that my parents just worked and became living a good life to the point my parents lived in the clouds as alcoholics and as very abusive partners.
Which changed everything for caring about us three kids that needed them for are wellbeings.
We went to moved close to my grandparents in the Navajo Nation on are home land in 1999.
I was 3 years old, and My mom Caroline, started to be a stay home mother to three kids and home school my two older brother Dominic and Castro as much she could.
Most of the time my father Clarence worked as railworker in Arizona. He would hitch hike to work. Just to provide and to find away to survive.
At this time we all had everything we needed and wanted in life.
Sady the three of us kids childhood went down hill, which ended with my drunk alcoholic father would came home from work drunk and get very angry at my mother. He was very abusive to my mother with jealously.
We would always listen to everyone get drunk in the travel trailer, that we lived in or outside.
They be having a good time and then end up with bad fights..
There would be holes, broken glasses everywhere we stepped with barefoot.
My mother would wake up everytime she got intoxicated, she be with us kids in bed with her face beaten.
She would wake up with us kids crying, hopelessly, dramatized.
We were just kids that didn't know anything about what life was about at all.
My parents would have to alway chop woods to keep us warm in the winter, while we lived in a travel trailer.
My father had give up on his job, after one night my uncle Oliver beat my both of my parents with a metal pipe on the head and my uncle Oliver almost killed my parents.
They got interfered with the past of negativities.
After all that bad influence, my mother came to realization.
To avoid from alcoholism, it only gets my dad very aggressive against my mother's well-being for her and three kids.
So she had to leave us kids behind with my grandparents.
Because she had to serve penalty time for DUI's and Assaults. She had to serve about 3 years.
We started school from my grandparents Rose and Paul Hurley place. My 1st oldest brother Dominic was in 3rd grade and 2nd older brother Castro was in 1st grade.
My auntie Pauline she lived right close to my grandparents place.
My auntie Pauline was like a Angel, because she help enrolled us in school. Because my grandparents don't know how to speak English or write in English.
But the good thing about my auntie was always there to help are grandparents with what ever possible.
I started going to school in head start. In Incription House, Arizona on August 3, 2000, I was 4 years old.
I was so scared to be alone and I would cried about going to go to school on first 3 days.
What keep me on going was my grandparents Rose and Paul Hurley would sing navajo morning healing songs every morning.
My bus would stop in front of my grandparents place.
I learned alots along the way even through it was hard with out our parents weren't there for my older brothers and myself.
My father just abandoned his family and almost everything. My father end up on the streets everday as bad alcoholic.
He would have no where to sleep and only God knew where my dad was at everyday.
Until one day my father, came by at my grandparents place.
My father started to crying holding me. He stay for a few to have coffee with my grandparents in the kitchen.
Which the coffee was very hot, my grandparents tried to tell my father to be beware.
Intead he didn't pay no attention and spillled hot coffee and severely burned my lap.
My grandparents had gotten very upset with my father and they asked my father to leave.
He left to no where to go and heartbroken and He started crying regrettable.
My grandparents Rose&Paul Hurley felt bad, but they didn't felt safe with his drinking problems.
Then I was watching my father walking and looking back everytime he walk further away down the dirt road.
I started crying for him out loud and to where my grandma hold me tightly and cried with me.
At that time my brother were on the bus on the way back to my grandparents place.
My two older brothers and me continued going to school and I have gotten very attached to my auntie Pauline.
She use to always pick me up from headstart. I loved her so much that, to where I would had very bad anxiety separation.
I thought she was a perfect mother figure.
A year pass by 2001, I was 5 years old and After a week before my head start graduation and my aunty Pauline was supposed to pick me up from school.
After a day later she said she was going to pick me up.
She was done with errands for the day.
Two hours later, my grandparents got a call from my school, saying that no one hasn't picked me up yet.
I was sitting outside waiting and waiting for my aunty to pick me up.
But i started to get scared and my teacher comforted me.
Wondering where my auntie was and thinking why she haven't pick me up.
My bus diver was related through my grandpa's side the family.
She took me to her house and let me play outside for a 1 hour.
Because my grandparents were looking around in Page, Arizona for my aunty.
That was the last place my aunty Pauline was see at and said where she was going to be at.
She is always very loyal to every word she would consider doing in the future plans no matter what.
Soon enough my grandparents showed up at my bus divers house and picked me up.
My bus diver was disappointed at first. But she understood my grandparents situation.
Then after awhile, we all rushed into a black F-150 truck and grandparents continue to look for my aunty again with all my cousins brothers and sisters, and my two olde. brothers, and me.
We all looked at the last place, we thought she would be at.
Which was at her boyfriend Husky Black place, which there was a padlock on his Hogan door at the place where he lived at. We were at Black Mesa Trading Post.
We waitied at that store, which was just across the highway down a dirt road.
That was where Husty lived was by his parents place.
Then we seen his trunk driving back to his place and we tried to catch up with home and my aunty Pauline.
But he went to a unknow location instead of to his hogan.
That hold time we drove around in the woods and looking for them.
We went to Museum for Navajo code talkers and history of The Long Walk.
We check at Husty Black parents place and asked, if they seen them. b.
They eye witness there son riding a horses as had a rope on his wise and dragging my aunty Pauline in the dirt behind the horse toward his Hogan, right before we got there.
Husty Blacks parents said he speeded with the horse and not in the care in the world about my aunty Pauline risk of her breathing.
Then Husky Black parents tried tell to him to stop.
But he didnt listened to his parents and Husty treathened that he was going to kill his parents too, if they don't mind there own business.
Then we rush and drove fast to his Hogan and then we heard my aunty yelling Help!! Help!!! Help!!!
My grandparents went and ran inside that Hogan and they saw Husty Black sitting on top of my aunty stapping my aunty with a screwdriver and nailgun on her face.
Husty Black still had that horse rope around her neck. My 6 month baby cousin brother was crying on the bed.
While all this was going on to his mother Pauline. My grandparents had a hard time trying having Husty Black from let my aunty go off the rope off her neck.
My grandma told my cousins sister Rebecca to go get our baby cousin brother off the bed and put him in the our grandparents truck.
My grandpa threw Husty Black out of the Hogan and beat him up really bad and tied him up with, that rope he had around my aunty neck.
Until the police and F.B.I to arrive to arrest Husty Black.
But three after he hanged his self with his arm cast in jail.
My grandparents tried to tell us not to all cry.
My grandpa just told us to keep talk to her and make sure she is still awake.
She was was crying saying sorry alot to me about her not picking me up at school.
She said keep saying I love you all so much over and over again with mouth full of blood and she said to take care of her baby to our grandma.
My grandpa drove full speed to the E.R and we arrived at a E.R clinic in Incription House, Arizona.
They took my aunty Pauline into I.C.U room. The doctors did there best to help my aunty.
But my aunty had severe internal bleeding in her face and neck.
They said the blood raptured in her spine and brain.
They are fighting for my aunties life and they said it was impossible to air back her to Tucson, Arizona E.R.
But they broke the bad new to my grandparents and it was the hard part was that it was there oldest daughter that they had did lost and my grandparents cried out loud to, where you can hear them outside the building.
Every doctor and nurses were all crying as well.
It hurt everyone because they know my grandparents Rose& Paul Hurley for years.
Then we all started crying very badly all together and we were all depressed mood for a very long time.
It was a traumatic and traumatized us all.
Because we seen seem her dying slowly on the way to the hospital.
We were all went to my aunty Pauline's memorial meeting service for four days, watched her say last words on way to the E.R and are family and our grandpa Paul digging out his own daughter grave, it hurt him left him broken long term, we watching her lifeless body in a casket in church, and we watch her got cover with dirt in the ground six feet down.
It was hard for me because it was days after my graduation for head start.
Knowing my aunty Pauline is buried 6 feet in the ground alone in the cold dark.
I was crying and wishing, she was gonna be at my graduation for head start, because she couldn't wait to see my head start graduation.
Because both of my parents weren't there for me at all.
Mostly I had my grandparents and two older brothers.
My school we just next to that church, wehere we had her funeral at.
My grandparents would always go to chapter house and have free meals and 2$ showers with warm water.
We called from a pay phone to my mom in prison.
We would go there every other week. My grandparents would always get commodity food from the Navajo Nation.
After finishing head start, I went to kindergarten in Kiabeto Boarding School. I've got premoted to Kindergarten it was a new beinning for me.
Than I met my best friend in kindergarten and her name is Vannessa Yellowhorse. August 12, 2002, I was 5 years old, and was in the same classroom as my best friend.
Where my grandparents and my parents went to school back in the old days.

That mostly everything about my birth town and to my grandparents home land with aces and aces of land and canyons.
What i been through keeps me from not giving up on life. because I have experienced the worst. It made me not be afraid of trying in what love to do is being alive.