

Dear stranger

I slightly opened my eyes to turn off that highly irritable sound which was coming from my phone. Here we go, I murmured in my head after turning off my alarm, another day same as yesterday and tommorow and the day after that. It was foggy tuesday in September and my mood was pretty much the same as the outside weather, but I noticed that I always wake up extremly grumpy and people still don't get that it's nothing personal, it's just the way I'm programmed. Now I guess it's not about the weather after all. Anyway, when I finally managed to get myself out of bed, I made myself a cup of tea, ate a bowl of cereals and turned on my laptop since I worked from home that day. At least something to be happy about, I thought, while I put on my casual jumpsuit and sat in front of the computer. Hour passed like minutes while I skimmed some very interesting emails and documents and when I checked the clock it was already noon - my favorite part of the work day because it was lunch time! I went to my kitchen and made myself a sandwich or two, I don't remember anymore, since they were so delicious and I ate them in no time. Then I headed to my balcony to get my daily dose of that much needed vitamine D. Fog was already gone and the day started to look way better. I sat on a sofa and browsed through apps on my phone, and after some time I stumbled upon one ad which showed a recommendation for one app called Spitout and it intrigued me a lot, even though I never heard for it before. I started to read about it and it was about writting your thoughts to some random people around the world. Hey, this could be fun, I said to myself while seriously questioning should I try it or not. The comformist in me shouted to stay out of it, but the experimentalist wanted to try so I downloaded the app and started setting up my profile. I just picked some categories I'm interested in and then I wrote few random things about me. At first, I tried some automatic option to find someone with same interests to talk to so I've written some thoughts and sent them out in the wide world. As my laptop started buzzing again, I got back to work and forgot about my experiment for the rest of the day.


I was driving in my car while listening to the radio and heading home from my night shift which was exhausting, but at the same time also extremely peaceful. I know this doesn't make any sense, but my brain is at 15% and I don't care about the logic right now. I'm so happy to have next four days off so I can get that much needed body and mind recovery. When I came home, I just collapsed into my bed and fell asleep. After some time, sun that was shining through my blinds woke me up and when I looked at my phone I saw it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. I yawned few times and sprawled myself on the bed, turned on the tv to have some background noise and then I ordered something to eat for lunch or in my case, breakfast. I waited for the food to arrive and in the meantime I scrolled through the countless apps on my phone. I was seriously considering deactivating all the accounts I have on those social networks. Like, I don't know my so called friends anymore since we grew apart as we matured and I don't feel very thrilled when I use all those shallow apps for temporare boost of my dopamine and permanent waist of my precious time. The only app I regularly use is one called Spitout where I vent my thoughts to strangers around the globe. Until now, I found some great people to exchange my thoughts with, but some stayed just for a short while, and others just left my thoughts on seen so I think this is just another app I'm going to say goodbye to, but I guess that's not gonna happen today because I opened it and found out that there's someone named Mar007 who wants to share thoughts with me. I opened the message and started reading it:

"Dear stranger, I don't know if you're dear or not, what do you think? Do you like yourself as a human? Or don't you even think about youself at all?"

I was left speechless and wordless so I didn't know what to say about that weird questions I got. I started to write some reasonable answer and after some deep thinking I sent this as my response:

"Dear stranger, I think that every human being is dear in some way or another, but it depends what you consider as dear. I think I can be dear if I try hard enough and as long as I'm trying to be dear/good/kind, I also like myself. What about you? Don't you think you're a good human?"

This one was weird, but okay. Maybe this just showed me that Spitout is no longer for me, who knows. My doorbell rang so I threw my phone away and ran toward the food. Food is great, it doesn't ask you any philosophical questions like humans do and it never puts your hunger in doubt. It also gives you strenght to deal with those who keep complicating life like Mar007. Poor guy, I think he's completely lost.

To be continued...

© One Word Away