

I got locked in bathroom...
Today I got locked in bathroom of my cabin. I heard the voice of locking door, but I thought someone might have just closed it, so I locked it from inside. Less did I know that, it was locked from outside by someone.

I was calm in that moment but it was quit unusual and something like a worst nightmare. I wouldn't say worst, but yeah I was quite horrified. In that moment there were two options that I had, I could panic, cry or blame my luck and go into pessimism. Or I could keep myself calm, not accept all the worst possibilities, but focusing on best possible outcomes.

I always heard that it's good to be optimistic. so I chose focusing on best possible outcomes. It was a very thin line between both the switches. I focused on what good can happen, and kept knocking the door, loudly and kept naming my helper. I did this for 2-3 min and then I started getting demoralized. I chose to stay calm and see do I feel better if I am demoralized and started crying now? I got a good feeling towards keep knocking and calling my helper.

I did that for 1 more minute and thankfully my helper heard me and opened the door. I couldn't express like a kid but in my heart I knew it was a victory. Victory of my courage to choose optimism. I applaud myself for that.

This is not a big story of success. But meaning it holds is a lot more important.

The reason I told this story is because whenever we make decision in difficult situation we always have those 2 options with very thin line of time and courage in between. It's not always best to lean towards Worst possibility. Sometimes whenever you can, Try putting your money towards best outcomes.

It's okay if sometimes you cannot, don't be harsh on yourself, it's okay to take rest and choose your comfort. But whenever possible choosing optimism will yeild progress too.

Hope it helps to those who are harsh on themselves for choosing pessimism, and those too who want to understand how optimism helps us.

Have a nice day.
© drowning angel