

People nowadays are coward. They think Life is all about themselves. They are scared of taking responsibility. They try to escape the reality, whatever they do; they think it doesn't Matter. In the end it's just that they never wanted/asked for. People choose dating over a True love. People would choose One month relationship " No Strings Attached " rather than a long term/lifetime one, " emotional attachment ". Still they'll cry infront of people saying there's no true love in this generation. You know what! If you prioritise someone you'll find out one thing, how much they care for you. Not generalizing but yeah there are girls/guys out there who really looks for a true love instead of an one night stand. Love what you got, maybe people are looking for it but not getting it. Maybe you're the love of someone's life but you've no idea about it or you love someone and that person got no idea about it. What if the person you love, loves someone else. Respects whatever you got. Understands what do you want and why do you want. Life is too short for grudges and EGO. You never know who's meant to be with you. Don't hurt someone's feelings/emotions. I'll be waiting for the one meant for me in the next life too but I literally not in a mood to argue over this topic. It's just my Opinion/ perspective over No Strings Attached and Lifetime Relationship.


#relationships #coward #nostringsattached #emotions #attachment #love #truelove #story #RealityofLife