

Men are taught to apologize for their weaknesses, Women for their strength part 1
In the eye of nature, not gender but deeds matter. All humans are born equal, sharing equal strengths and weaknesses. Thus, no gender is supposed to dominate the other. Any achievement, irrespective of gender, demands rewards and not apologizes. The same echoes are dictated by the charter of basic human rights which values ‘equality’ in all the domains of life. Given the strength of women, men must acknowledge their weaknesses open-heartedly. On the same footings, it is not advisable to preach to women to apologize for their strengths. Rather, women must be given their due credit if they go for the attainment of a marked distinction. Unfortunately, the reverse of it is true in the country in specific and in the world in general. All this result in gender discrimination that lies at the heart of all dilemmas the country is currently confronted with. A myriad of causes lay behind this very discrimination. Primarily, men have a tragic problem with the maintenance of their status quo in our country. Although a few exceptions exist, yet the majority of men fall under the category of those who resist bitterly to any change in their status quo. And in order to maintain this very notion of status quo, they adopt a number of discriminatory measures to suppress the strength of women. Firstly, the strengths of women are stigmatized under the grab of religion. A woman is labeled as an ‘original sin’. She is considered as a source of all evils existing in this world and the world to come. In this way, propagation of misleading religious notions marks the end of their moral strength. Secondly, the achievements of women are contained in the way that they are under -represented in legislation. They are not granted ‘communal weightage ‘if any law relating to women surfaces. In fact, those are men who decided their constitutional fate. As A Result, the participatory strength of women in law making has grossly declined.

© Noman Ali