

she walked into the bar with a little pink number that left little to the imagination with a low neckline ending just a few inches away from her neval and the length of the dress end just below my ass. she had picked out just so she could get laid, but she did not want to have sex with just anyone but with the hot bartender, Mason who never notices her for some reason when every man she's ever seen has noticed her. she did not want to stoop to this level where she was basically spreading herself bare but she doesn't know how to deal with rejection.

since she'd walked into the bar it seems she's had every eye on her but she pay no mind to them . she found a stole at the far end of the bar

she took a a few moments to stare at Mason before she would order her drink. his long dirt blonde hair was slightly messy but in a 'I got out of bed like this look ' which suits him well.His well define chest and shoulder was translucent through his black. tight shirt. every time I see him he's always wears black form his shirt to his converse shoes. His handsome chiseled face is slightly scrunched up in a concentrated look as he makes drinks . I wish I could go over there and smooth the Wrinkles on is face .

I lift my hand slightly up to indicate I need a drink

hoping it would be Mason who would comes to her but slightly disappointed that its instead Richard ,the other bartender.
he walked over and smiles "Elle well isn't it a pleasure to see you tonight . with that hot dress are you trying to seduce me?" he says making her smile at him .
"I would needn't this dress to seduce you richy i would wear a bag of potato and you would still hit on me " she said laughing .
"but tonight i am here for Mason tonight is going to be the night I get him " she says with so much confidence. she told richy her order and turned to sa

Richard laughs at her show of confidence shaking his head at her antics . he wished she she put that much effort into him but he knew that would never happen . she had her goal set on Mason and he wasn't the one who was going to tell her that Mason was gay before she hates him.