

chapter 7: THE CRY

She walks quickly towards the door ‎,the tears in her eyes ‎,her breathing becomes very fast ‎,her heart beats like the engine of the car ‎. ‏She ran in the forest like someone is following her,she heard someone crying out loud and saying:

"I want revenge!,everything happening is because of you!.. 

‏she saw an old man ‎,she approached to him slowly and grabs him with all his strength by his hand and his  eyes turn very red saying:

 "you are the culprit ‎"  

‏she left him and ran very quickly like a lightning,she came home without saying a word ‎,she went to her room.the two young followed her to Check on her but she closed the door loudly and said ‎: 

"I don't wanna talk to anyone ‎"

 ‏she looked Through the window but she didn't find anything even the old man,When she noticed eager in the mirror she stole the blood sliding from her eyes to her cheeks and then fell down ‎, ‏her hands were full of blood and then she said ‎:

" ‏I did nothing ‎, ‏it's not my fault, ‏I am innocent..." 

‏she washes her hands and the blood becomes more enlarged then she sees in a hand a fuse and looks at the mirror a second time and finds her father begging her by saying:

"I beg you, ‏don't do it it's only one little girl!"

‏she screams with all her might ‎:" ‏I did nothing ‎" ‏several time ‎"it was an accident ‎""it's not my fault ‎"

‏When Clara hears her mother shouting she forces Jack to slam this damn door ‎,after several tries,he slam it finally and she enters quickly she sees her mother in depression ‎,she says ‎:

"I did nothing ‎!It was an accident ‎.."

"mom what are you talking about,look at me ‎,you did nothing ‎,in fact you can do nothing,you can't hurt an ants ‎,you are going to tortue a person ‎?!''

"my father begged me not to do it"

."but your father died before your childhood as you told me ‎! ‏wait did you saw him?"

"in the forest ‎!he took my hand and begged me to do nothing ‎!it was not my fault believe me ‎!"

" ‏I believe you mom ‎, ‏but i thought your father has been dead for about ‎50 ‏years ‎,how did you see him?"

"i don't know but i didn't do it"

‏She shouts ‎:


 ‏and suddenly the mother passed out ‎.


‏then she looked at jack asking him ‎:

"Umm are you going to bring some water and help me put her in her bed!? ‏stop standing like a statue ‎"

"I'm really sorry ‎"and he brings water 

and he brings water  when he puts her in her bed ‎. ‏Clara looks at him and says ‎:

"it's all your fault ‎,you idiot ‎!"


‎تمشي بسرعة نحو الباب ، والدموع في عينيها ، ويصبح تنفسها سريعًا جدًا ، ويضرب قلبها مثل محرك السيارة. ركضت في الغابة وكأن أحدهم يتبعها ، وسمعت شخصًا يبكي بصوت عالٍ قائلاً:

"أريد الانتقام! كل شيء يحدث بسببك! ..

رأت شيخا ، اقتربت إليه ببطء وأمسكها بكل قوته بيده وتحولت عيناه إلى اللون الأحمر قائلة:

"أنت الجاني"

تركته وركضت بسرعة مثل البرق ، وعادت إلى المنزل دون أن تقول كلمة ، وذهبت إلى غرفتها. تبعها الشابان لفحصها لكنها أغلقت الباب بصوت...