

Cinnamons Park
The cry was faint I heard loud and clear
as I walked past the dark bushes my
steps faltered. It was late and I wasn't sure if it...

Was safe but I had no choice but to go
through the Park, doesn't time pass when
you are having fun, my sister's twenty -
first birthday party, enjoyed myself so
much I forgot I had to go home.

Now this part of town after certain hours, all transportation ceases at a
certain time. I seem to have forgotten about time, but still all is not lost. I'll
have to take a short cut through the
Park, Cinnamons Park.

Which is a huge Park but, a notorious
Park for all sorts of illegal activities.
however it's a short cut to my home
which would save me by forty minutes
On the other hand, the general public
are warned not to enter after dark.

After a 'skinful of booze' I felt rather
brave and ventured in. I guess that's
what they call 'dutch courage' after a
few minutes of walking through the Park
I seemed to have sobered up. Looking
around it looks frighteningly scary, very
creepy and sinister silhouettes of dark
shapes and outlines, that's all you can
see. It's is very unnerving; your not
sure what is what or what's lurking in
the undergrowth, to say I wasn't afraid
I would be lying.

As I got deeper into the Park, I thought
I heard some sort of commotion, I was
unsure; here it goes again a faint cry for
help coming from the bushes! now my
senses were on high alert. Is this a trap?
the thought of running away crossed my
mind. Still curiosity got the better of me
as I got closer I could see someone in
need of medical attention.

A badly beaten man; motionless and almost unrecognisable; bleeding profusely and in great discomfort partly
hidden in the bushes.

I comforted him as best as I could until
help arrived, I couldn't help saying a silent prayer, I hope he makes
it. I hope he pulls through.

© JB8860