

Kavya's Realisation

Kavya doesn't know why Sameer did like that.It is he who called her yesterday.Then,he said,"anyway, parents are not going to say okay for marriage.I just wanted to talk to you.So I called.Let's break up"

As a conclusion one thing is sure.Kavya will not maintain relationship with Sameer if he approaches her again.She is not at all sad because she knows her parents consent is important for her marriage.They can present her a better life partner and if any problems comes,she can daringly approach her parents in arranged marriage.In love marriage it's not possible.

Kavya feels it's better that God removed Sameer from her life.She analysed the changes that happened after Sameer's presence in her life.She started concentrating on him more than her studies.Now she can give more time to studies.No one is there to disturb her.She deleted social media in her mobile.It happened much before but due to Sameer she had reinstalled social media .Then,she deleted those again.Sameer taught her an excellent lesson,"everything is temporary in life" She thanked God.

© A.G.Aishwarya

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