

Magic Wizards Ep 6:Closer and New Threats (Part 6)

Today's Read: Filled with a bought home gift, locked room and an old arch enemy?! Why is Quincy's room locked on Mr.Baren? And what choice should the Wizards make about being in class with Tank? If you wanna understand the story more please go back to the previous episodes. Let the story continue.

Ep 6:Closer and New Threats

At Quincy's house, Mr.Baren was just getting home from work, as usual. Only this time he had a bag with him. And Stewart couldn't help but notice it when he saw him come in.

"Hey, what's in the bag?" he asked.

"Really, that's the first thing that you noticed when I walk in? It's a little something i got for Quincy okay?" He huffed.

Stewart gave a concern disappointed face to Mr.Baren. He had figured where he got it from after hearing him say he had something for Quincy.

"From your job?" he guessed as he grabbed the bag from him and looked inside. The blue sweater the color of the bottom of the ocean was in it.

"Yep. What do you think?"

Stewart didn't say anything for a minute. He just examined. And then gives it back to him.

"It's nice, well if you don't tell him where it's ftom."

"Oh gosh, you said the same thing Tim said. He's gonna like it. I know it. He better." Mr.Baren said with a face as if he meant it.

He started to walk upstairs to Quincy's room. Thinking only of what Quincy might actually say. And the reason behind why he actually was getting him this gift in the first place. He wanted answers about that note he found. And he was determined to find out. Except, when he got to the Quincy's room, he came to find that the door was locked.

But why? He looked to the ground and saw a glowing light. Quincy was in school right?! Why would he be in his room? And what was that light under the door? Was Someone in there? Someone that shouldn't be?? Without thinking...he tries to break it open. But no matter how hard he tried to twist or hit the door, it wouldn't open at all. And he was starting to get worried.

"Quincy?!" He spoke shakily.

Continuing to tug, push and bang the door, it opens finally by force. But not by his. He looked around the room but nothing was there. Whatever he thought was there or whatever that "was" there was now gone. But...he saw a note on the bed...again. Slowly walking up he grabbed it. And when reading it, it caught his eye yet again. Only this time, it gave him even more questions and confusion. It was the address where he worked. And written underneath it read "_wizard A's Lair_Wizard A😈"

Meanwhile at school, Quincy and Rascals were heading to the last class of the day. And they were just a few steps in before Rj and Rage grabbed them.

"Don't go in yet." Rege spoke.

Giving a gasp as if he seen a creepy ghost or something, he turned back to them with Rascals.

"Huh?!" He said surprised. "What?! Why?!"

"You're not gonna believe who's the sub." Rj spoke after.

"What?! Who?!" Quincy's eyes draw in as they were about to speak.

"It's Tank." Rj muttered not wanting to say his name.

"Yeah, we saw him come out, i think he went to the bathroom." Rege said after.

Lots of thoughts immediately ran through Quincy's head after hearing that name. So "that's" why he's here?! He thought. No...there has to be more to the story. He wouldn't just want to be a sub here unless he knew they were going there as well. But what did he want this time? Revenge??

"This isn't good." Rascals finally said.

"Yeah, it's definitely not. Should we not go? Just so we don't have to deal with that you know?" Quincy asked.

Rj sighed. "That's what Rege wants to do but I don't think we should do it. Tank already saw us this morning so he probably expects to see us and plus teachers always have the attendance."

"So, we can just pretend like we got found out." Rege said responding to Rj's response.

"Ehh i don't know about that." Rascals looked at Quincy for aggreemce while he stared at Tank who was now approaching.

"Well what should we do then? He's right there." Quincy said pointing with his eyes while looking at them.

Without saying another word Rj walks inside the class. Madison comes up behind making it awkward for the rest who were still standing there. Rege just looks and walks in. And Madison after him.

"Well well well...What a suprise!" Tank smiles catching up last. "Please come in." He said waiting after him.

Quincy doesn't say a word but walks in and sits down at his seat. He DID NOT wanna be there. (To be continued...)

#Mystery #Thriller #Suspense #Magic #Love #Heartbreak #Teendrama #Greenville #WizardA #WizardB

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