

The Great Mafia
Krishna and Rahul are very good friends , one day they were planning for a town shift from Mirowapur to Safalnagar.
Krishna- Rahul we are going to Safalnagar, do you know about that town.
Rahul- No, but I know that it is very beautiful town.
They had flight on 29 December. Krishna- Come Rahul we are getting late, come fast.
In flight
Rahul- Krishna, 3 hours are left.
Suddenly aeroplane wing had caught fire. However, the pilot had safely landed the aeroplane in a safe town. Krishna- We have to go there from train. Rahul- But this is strange, how can wings caught fire but there is no problem. Krishna- Leave it. Finally after 5 hours they had arrived at the town. Krishna- Rahul you had said that it was a beautiful town but it is horrible. Rahul- But noone is here. They went and knocked a door.
Stanger- Who are you?
Rahul- I am Rahul and he is my friend Krishna. But why noone is here.
Stanger- Come to my house I will tell you. You are watching a circle at every house, but at night it changes at random colour and if you had were that colour T-shirt the Ghost will not leave you.
Krishna- I don't believe in Ghost. But what is your name? Stanger- My name is Abraham Jackson. Wait till night you will believe me. At night a stranger sound was coming from a house. At morning a member of that town was missing. Rahul- Abraham, we had believed you. Krishna- But I not. Wait I know a priest Abhishek. The next morning the priest came.
Abhishek- Krishna had told me everything I will manage it just wait and watch. That night the stranger sound was coming again. Abhishek- Wait I am going. Then the suddenly Abhishek was shouting very loudly. At morning when they go to the house they found the dead body of Abhishek. Krishna- I don't believe it no no. Rahul- Please Krishna believe me. Krishna- See the colour is orange and Abhishek had wore Green colour clothe. Rahul- Yes you are right. I know a detective, I will call him. Next day the detective David has come. David- I know everything Rahul had told me. See here are the foot marks of somebody. Abraham- But these are so many. Rahul- So we can say that there are so many ghost. David- No, these are the foot marks of humans. Krishna- So how it is possible that the colour and T-shirt match together. David- I don't know, but it is a crime. Abraham can you give the report of the people who had been died in this case. Abraham- Of course. See this is the report. David- Ooh see the people that had died are there name starts with the letter R. Krishna- What? How can this possible. Rahul- But my name is also starts with R. David- Abraham is anyone in this town left with letter R. Abraham- Yes, only one Rakesh. David- Ok at night we will go to Rakesh house.
At night
Rakesh- I am very afraid. Krishna- Don't be afraid we are with you.
David- Ok Rakesh go and sleep we will manage it. Rakesh- Good night 😄
After few minutes two men come into house with a rod in their hand when they were going to attack. Then David come and hold the rod, then they caught them and knot with a rope. David- Who are you. First man- I am Asif and he is Afij. Rahul- And why are you killing everyone name R with first letter. Afij- Wait I am telling, our boss Afrnamsaman he supplied drugs and many other elegal things to other town he is a great Mafia one day he was walking on the yard and then a mendicant was passing and he said you are doing very wrong in the near town a R named man will defeat you. From then he said to us to kill everyone who is in this town.
Krishna- You are doing very wrong. Then David shoot bullet im their head. David- Tomorrow we will go there. I will call my team. The day they went to the town with their force. David to his force- Go and make a round from one end to another. Force- Yes sir. David- Guys come with me. Hey Afrnamsaman where are you? Afrnamsaman- Oo great David come come hey look who had came, David to whom I have defeated him 5 years ago. David- But this time I will defeat you. Then the firing starts from both sides, David and Afrnamsaman are also firing then Afrnamsaman bullet have been finished David chasing Afrnamsaman then David shoot a bullet and it hit in his heart. David- Look look it your boss Afrnamsaman want to say something oono I will tell you I have defeated your boss I have taken revenge. The he killed him. Rahul- We have won the fight. Abraham- Thanks you all of you. David- No need to say thank you. Then they go to their way.